Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dylan @ 10 months old

It's been a while since I updated; there has been a LOT of new changes in our life so we've been going through quite a bit, plus it's hard to accumulate all my thoughts into a blog while I'm trying to prevent Dylan from closing a drawer on his fingers or falling and hitting his head on something. This is what I do all day. Nowadays he gets to play on the bedroom floor. Before he turned 8 months, we just let him play in the crib, but we decided to stock up on some baby proofing equipment to allow him some freedom around the room. We have to cover all the outlets, put padding on all sides & corners, block off drawers, place pillows everywhere, hide things from him (because he pulls things off my side bed table), put a baby gate at the door, and put a door stopper. Then I disinfect everything he touches. AHHHHHH. Babies are surely hard work.
Dylan @ 10 months old:
-is currently 19lb & 32 inches long
-I totally forgot, but he's weaned off his pacifier for a while now. I think since he was 7 months old, he just hasn't liked using it. I tried giving him one, and he looks at it and plays with it. He doesn't even know how to use it anymore! Haha, that was easy! I thought it was gonna be hard to detach it from him...pretty awesome.
-has grown very attached to his parents, especially his Mommy! I can't even go to the bathroom or kitchen for 5 seconds without his screaming/crying as if he was dying.
-can stand freely for a long time
-tries to walk; he can use his walker, but without it, he tried taking a couple steps but ended up falling on his butt. He's getting there.
-likes to steal his dad's headphones and take it apart (drives Mark insane)
-like to play with the door stopper behind the door (you know that thing that makes that funny "boing" noise).
-tries to take Happy's toys away from him. It scares me a little because Happy growls. Happy, that dog, sigh...
-climbs on all the furniture
-makes out with the refrigerator. It's so gross lol.
-says "Da-da" & "Ma-ma"
-babbles a LOT
-pulls off the padding (baby proof stuff), and chews on them!
-has a thing with playing with the lid of the trash can! I Lysol that thing like CRAZY.
-dances by bobbing his head or by bouncing his shoulders
-throws his hands up and wave them in the air
-has 8 teeth! He's been teething a lot lately. 4 teeth on the top, 4 teeth on the bottom.
-knows what "Sawatdee" means (the Thai greeting). He puts his hands together every time Mark tells him "Dylan, 'sawatdee krup' ". He amazes me!
-is not a picky eater. He can eat anything.
-steals things that he knows he's not supposed to touch / play with from on top of tables/under the bed. For instance, my purse was open & he grabbed a dollar bill & ate a corner off. I decided to keep that dollar as a keepsake, haha.
-tries to eat everything off the floor! Ugh. So we vacuum / pick up everything off the floor often.
-turns on the XBOX & tries to eat the controllers
-tries to climb the television. I think he does it so he can go IN it. His favorite channel is Nick Jr. (he especially loves that Moose..and of course every time Yo Gabba Gabba is on, he starts dancing like a maniac)
-has his favorite blanket to sleep on
-cries sooo hard if we take away something he's not supposed to have. Aiiii...
I'm sure there's a lot more, I'm just so exhausted to think of them. I'll add on to keep track if I do remember.
I can't believe his 1st birthday is 2 months away. That means a lot of planning! I even created his invitation already (I have my free time when he naps). I really can't wait. My baby is getting so big :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
More teeeef?!
So yesterday, Mark & I were playing with Dylan & all of a sudden he pointed at his mouth saying, "Is he growing more teeth? I see a little bit of white." And I thought he was just seeing things because Dylan barely started growing his top 2 teeth (he already has his bottom two teeth). I lifted Dylan's upper lip to see, and YUP! Two more teeth are growing! His upper lateral incisors are popping out the gum, which are the teeth next to the ones in the middle. 6 teeth at 8 1/2 months old!! Pretty awesome. I'm seriously just in awe. Every day I see how fast he grows & at the same time it scares me. Next thing I know, I'll be sending him off to preschool...
Dylan's reaching his milestones! All he has left is walking & talking. He's such a hyper baby which explains why I am completely drained at the end of every day. I used to be able to go online more often because he'd be taking naps and what not, but for the past 2 weeks, he's up all day, keeping me occupied & I love it. I have to constantly keep an eye on him because he's a quick crawler & loves to chase everything. He practically runs in his walker. He talks so much (his 'da-da-ing' is getting out of control!), and he yells and screams for attention. And when you try to take things away from him (like his toothbrush), he throws a FIT! I couldn't believe it the first time I saw the way he acted. GRRRR. So spoiled. But he's so cute, I can't help but love his angry / sad / crying faces lol. He mimics a lot of the things you do. He also listens if you say, "Dylan, no no. Don't go there" or "Don't crawl over there. Stay with Mommy." He actually stops himself & sits himself up. He climbs up on every thing, puts everything in his mouth, puts his mouth on everything (ha), and when he's in a happy mood, he'll bit your nose and give you kisses. Ahh, he's the sweetest. His favorite show: Yo Gabba Gabba! It's not a joke either. You need to see his face whenever Dj Lance Rock is on the screen. I think Dylan has a huge love for music, just like Mommy & Daddy. My little boy is already so big *tears* I can't believe he'll be turning 1 year old in 3 1/2 months. It's all flown by so fast.
One down side of Dylan first year of life is the fact that he is constantly getting sick! They say babies get sick about 6-10 times their first year of life. Well, that sucks. This morning I took him to see his doctor because his coughing got worse all of a sudden. He wouldn't stop coughing while he was trying to nap. He's already on an inhaler & the other meds she previously prescribed him were no use because Dylan literally threw it all up (plus his food) due to the bitter taste. So she said, "Yup. I believe it's asthma." She prescribed him another inhaler so now he's on two different ones a day :[ He was also given antibiotics for his slight ear infection. I don't understand how he got sick! Since he got sick last time, I kept him home every day for 2 weeks, and now he's sick again! Gosh. I just feel bad that he has to deal with all this physically. He's such a strong kid though--through all of this he still laughs and smiles.
Anyways, I'll finish this blog with another video. Hopefully the next time I blog, he'll be saying "MAMA" because he still calls me DaDa lol.
Dylan's reaching his milestones! All he has left is walking & talking. He's such a hyper baby which explains why I am completely drained at the end of every day. I used to be able to go online more often because he'd be taking naps and what not, but for the past 2 weeks, he's up all day, keeping me occupied & I love it. I have to constantly keep an eye on him because he's a quick crawler & loves to chase everything. He practically runs in his walker. He talks so much (his 'da-da-ing' is getting out of control!), and he yells and screams for attention. And when you try to take things away from him (like his toothbrush), he throws a FIT! I couldn't believe it the first time I saw the way he acted. GRRRR. So spoiled. But he's so cute, I can't help but love his angry / sad / crying faces lol. He mimics a lot of the things you do. He also listens if you say, "Dylan, no no. Don't go there" or "Don't crawl over there. Stay with Mommy." He actually stops himself & sits himself up. He climbs up on every thing, puts everything in his mouth, puts his mouth on everything (ha), and when he's in a happy mood, he'll bit your nose and give you kisses. Ahh, he's the sweetest. His favorite show: Yo Gabba Gabba! It's not a joke either. You need to see his face whenever Dj Lance Rock is on the screen. I think Dylan has a huge love for music, just like Mommy & Daddy. My little boy is already so big *tears* I can't believe he'll be turning 1 year old in 3 1/2 months. It's all flown by so fast.
One down side of Dylan first year of life is the fact that he is constantly getting sick! They say babies get sick about 6-10 times their first year of life. Well, that sucks. This morning I took him to see his doctor because his coughing got worse all of a sudden. He wouldn't stop coughing while he was trying to nap. He's already on an inhaler & the other meds she previously prescribed him were no use because Dylan literally threw it all up (plus his food) due to the bitter taste. So she said, "Yup. I believe it's asthma." She prescribed him another inhaler so now he's on two different ones a day :[ He was also given antibiotics for his slight ear infection. I don't understand how he got sick! Since he got sick last time, I kept him home every day for 2 weeks, and now he's sick again! Gosh. I just feel bad that he has to deal with all this physically. He's such a strong kid though--through all of this he still laughs and smiles.
Anyways, I'll finish this blog with another video. Hopefully the next time I blog, he'll be saying "MAMA" because he still calls me DaDa lol.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Late last night (passed midnight), Dylan said "DA-DA" for the first time!!! I was so amazed because he just sorta mimicked us out of no where. And now he's nonstop saying it. But when I tell him, "Okay bubbas, say 'MAMA'," he'll just say, "DA DA DA DA DA". Can't wait for him to finally call me Mama! I'll cry :P I know it made Mark really happy for him to hear it from Dylan.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Today I was a bit bummed. Not only did I barely get any sleep (hyper, over active baby who plays all day, you know), but I received some disappointing news.
My insurance doesn't want to cover my [future] surgery. It's very much needed. I can't fully function if I continue to go on without it. I know I'm not being very detailed because I haven't told many people about it, but I need to vent because it kills me inside that things had to happen to me like this. It's stupid. As if I need anymore things to worry about. I've been suffering with this pain for over 4 months now.
Sigh, idk. I hope my doctor can figure something out with the company to prove to them that I really do need to get this done and over with.
My insurance doesn't want to cover my [future] surgery. It's very much needed. I can't fully function if I continue to go on without it. I know I'm not being very detailed because I haven't told many people about it, but I need to vent because it kills me inside that things had to happen to me like this. It's stupid. As if I need anymore things to worry about. I've been suffering with this pain for over 4 months now.
Sigh, idk. I hope my doctor can figure something out with the company to prove to them that I really do need to get this done and over with.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Browsing around & found:
It's a sign. I love monkeys; I especially love Dylan's clothes with monkey prints (also Paul Frank & the sock monkey). It's still 4 months to go, but that's what I did when I was pregnant. Torture myself with planning events. THEN, I saw this:
Monkey themed birthday party
Now I'm completely inspired! I wanna make cute stuff :D
It's a sign. I love monkeys; I especially love Dylan's clothes with monkey prints (also Paul Frank & the sock monkey). It's still 4 months to go, but that's what I did when I was pregnant. Torture myself with planning events. THEN, I saw this:
Monkey themed birthday party
Now I'm completely inspired! I wanna make cute stuff :D
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Poor baby..
I swear that this is like his 4th time being sick already. But they say it's common for babies to get sick about 6-10 times in their first year of life.
Yesterday I took Dylan to see his pediatrician. He had been sick with a cough, cold, and fever for 3 days & I was beginning to get worried. He didn't sleep well at all the night before. I could see the way he was breathing, and it was like his chest was sinking in so deep...he was trying his hardest to breathe. It made me so sad. His doctor prescribed him an inhaler for his "brochiolitis" & asked me if we have any asthma in the family. Well, Mark & I both had asthma when we were little. She said he may develop it too, but he might grow out of it just like we both did. It was raining so hard when I had to stop by the pharmacy afterwards--I felt so bad for Dylan being out with that sorta weather condition. I was literally soaked from head to toe but I kept the lil guy safe. He was also prescribed this medicine called "prednisolone" which he HATES. Absolutely hates it. We tried to give it to him mixed with some juice, he refused to drink it. Then today we just tried to give it straight from the syringe, but he gagged and barfed twice. It was so bad I had to give him a bath & I, myself, had to take a shower afterwards. Poor baby :( But the inhaler is working so well, he's coughing less & is able to sleep better. That's what matters to me. We've been staying in to insure that he gets well soon.
4 more days & my bubberoo turns 8 months old. I can't believe it whatsoever...anyways, here's a video that I recorded at 4am this morning (Dylan wakes up super early for his milk -_- ) He was having fun though! :D
Yesterday I took Dylan to see his pediatrician. He had been sick with a cough, cold, and fever for 3 days & I was beginning to get worried. He didn't sleep well at all the night before. I could see the way he was breathing, and it was like his chest was sinking in so deep...he was trying his hardest to breathe. It made me so sad. His doctor prescribed him an inhaler for his "brochiolitis" & asked me if we have any asthma in the family. Well, Mark & I both had asthma when we were little. She said he may develop it too, but he might grow out of it just like we both did. It was raining so hard when I had to stop by the pharmacy afterwards--I felt so bad for Dylan being out with that sorta weather condition. I was literally soaked from head to toe but I kept the lil guy safe. He was also prescribed this medicine called "prednisolone" which he HATES. Absolutely hates it. We tried to give it to him mixed with some juice, he refused to drink it. Then today we just tried to give it straight from the syringe, but he gagged and barfed twice. It was so bad I had to give him a bath & I, myself, had to take a shower afterwards. Poor baby :( But the inhaler is working so well, he's coughing less & is able to sleep better. That's what matters to me. We've been staying in to insure that he gets well soon.
4 more days & my bubberoo turns 8 months old. I can't believe it whatsoever...anyways, here's a video that I recorded at 4am this morning (Dylan wakes up super early for his milk -_- ) He was having fun though! :D
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