FIRST OFF, I have to say Happy Birthday to my Daddy. I love him unconditionally, and I wish him the best. He deserves it.
I know I haven't updated my blog in a while; being a mother is the best job in the world though. I love having someone to spend all my time with, someone to teach, someone to play and show new things to, someone to love, cherish, & dedicate everything I am to.
I'm so happy I have Dylan in my life. He never ceases to amaze me. I always look at his little feet & hands & I tell myself Gosh, I can't believe this is my baby.

Dylan is 3 months old already, turning 4 months old in a week & a half. I keep repeating myself, but I honestly cannot believe where the time went. It just zoomed right by. I still feel like I barely left the hospital last week. Every week Dylan learns something new.
Dylan at 2 months:
-Cooing more (his thing is "AH-gooo!) He does it all the time.
-Noticing colors; his vision was improving. He was following everyone all the time, especially me because I held the key to his happiness--his bottle.
-Holding his head up better. He was really wobbly, that bobble head. But he was getting the hang of it!
-Smiling :D I really don't know WHY, but Dylan finds it fascinating when his dad does the robot lmfao. I'm not even kidding. Dylan is like, the happiest kid on earth when Mark dances.
-Sleeping better through the night. He still woke up about every 3 hours, but occasionally he'd sleep as long as 5 hours or 6 even.
-Drooling. Drooling is the first sign of teething! Although his teeth aren't going to pop out 'til around 6 months.

Dylan at 3 months, so far:
-Rolling over! He did it on the day of his 3rd month birthday (Aug. 23). Amazing little kid. Makes Mommy & Daddy proud. Dylan sleeps on his tummy because of his sensitive stomach. People tend to worry about us letting him sleep like that, but Dylan has such a strong neck that he knows when to switch from side to side. He does perfectly fine, I don't worry about my tough guy :) I keep a close on him all the time anyways.
-Control of his head. Now it's soooo much better.
-Vision is even better. He loves watching TV even though I hate letting him watch it...but Mark likes watching the news too lol.
-More vocal. He could talk all day if he wanted to. You just have to be with him 24/7 & it's like he's telling you a story.
-Playing with toys. I'm amazed. This started happening last week when I took him to Palmdale to visit grandma/grandpa. I put him in his Pooh swing & all of a sudden he started playing with the toys. I was like, Where did this come from? I swear the day before he didn't even acknowledge toys & BAM! They're his favorite.
-Putting everything in his mouth. From his hands to my hands to blankets, bibs, toys. That boy wants to chew on everything :) I bought him a vibrating teether ring & he LOVES it! He actually knows how to hold it & put it in his mouth. What a big boy...
-Sucking his thumb/fingers. I personally have no issue letting Dylan suck his thumb. They always say "Oh no, don't let him suck his thumb. He's gonna need braces" or "He's gonna have a lisp" or "He's gonna ruin his thumb". Blahblahblah. Honestly, that doesn't happen to every single person who's sucked their thumb when they were babies. And it's not like Dylan's gonna be sucking his thumb forever. I like the fact that he can use his thumb as self comfort vs. having a pacifier that'll always drop all over the place. It means I wouldn't have to constantly stick that pacifier back in his mouth every time it pops out. Mark & I have no problem with letting him suck his thumb.
-Laughing. He doesn't do the HUGE laughs yet (except when I show him the dogs at my dad's house...he laughs soooo hard at Chumbah cuz of his barking! It was adorable)..but he's getting there. He does cute little laughs :) Like when I tickle him and stuff haha. I can't wait until I hear those contagious baby laughs.
-Holding his bottle. He helps me hold his bottle. Boy learns quick.
-When he's not holding his bottle, he knocks it out of my hands. That's the part that drives me a LITTLE crazy. I'll be feeding him, and he has these out-of-control arms & he knocks his bottle of out my hands & it falls to the floor!
-His legs are getting fatter. Now at almost 4 months old, he's putting on more meat! My cute little chubbbbbbs!
-Very tall. I think Dylan should be around 25 inches now. He was 24 inches last time he was measured..which was a couple weeks ago. And he probably weighs 14-15lb now. He still wears Size 1 diapers though cuz he's not super fat. That's a good thing though because I have a bunch of Size 1 diapers left that I need to use up and not waste!!!

We had a party here last night in honor of my grandma's death anniversary / dad's 63rd birthday, and Dylan was smothered! Everyone loves him :) They kept saying, "He's sooooo guapo!!!" Also, my stepsister Leliza came up with a nickname for him..she calls him "Churhino" (it's pronounced 'choo-ree-no')..kind of an inside joke. Well actually, on FB, I posted a picture of Dylan with his favorite rhino toy, and I put a caption saying "I'm gonna eat 'chu rhino!" And my sister was like, "I printed the picture before that choo-ree-no picture!" I was like, "You mean...'chu RIE-NO?'" HA. So strangely it just became his nickname for her. Crazy ninang.
Anyways. I'll update more on all the great things that Dylan will achieve in the future. I'm excited! Halloween is coming up next month! I can't wait to pick out a costume for him :) I will definitely post pictures. And here are some random videos of Dylan that I wanted to share. Goodnight all!