Thursday, November 13, 2008

The "talk."

So it's already 12:20am, but just about over an hour ago, Mark & I had a deep conversation with his mom. She basically gave us the typical "motherly" advice she would give us as a couple. Of course I was too nervous to approach her, but I knew everything would turn out okay. She was basically telling us how hard it is to raise a kid this early in life (which we are already aware of), and that she just wants us to be responsible adults. She wants us to not argue as much, and for Mark to control his temper (AHAHAHA, see Babe). But like Mark told her, we already know what our responsibilities are, what our priorities are, and what we have to do to go further in life. We know that now that we're about to have our first baby, our once so smooth road will be a little bit rough. I'm not scared; I'm determined. I know that Mark & I will raise an amazing child. Mark & I have been together for almost 3 years, and even though it may not seem long, we love each other, A LOT, and we definitely care about each other. Mark was raised without a father, I was raised without a mother. We would never allow our baby to live the life we lived. That's why I started to cry during our conversation with his mom. I just continue to think about how I'm really having a baby, and I'm thankful that it's with someone I love SO much, and two families who will love the baby to the fullest. Mark's mom also kept telling Mark to be a fighter especially since she IS one. She raised Mark on her own, and I know Mark loves his mom for all the hard work and efford she put into it. This is why Mark is going to be the greatest dad, I already know it. As for me, I would never be anything close to what my mother is. My baby is gonna have a good life, no matter what hardships I go through; I don't have a life besides staying home, studying, cleaning. I don't have any obsessions with going out late at night; I'll be totally dedicated to raising my child. Plus his aunts are actually excited; his aunt's best friend said the only thing she's concerned about is being called "Grandma" because she doesn't wanna sound old. Hahaha. I think both our families are excited. And Mark told his mom, "You're gonna be a grandma." And she said, "I know.." with a smile. Yeah, I saw that smile! I know everyone's excited, shoot. What was once scary to me last week is now the complete opposite. Now I'm really anticipating what's gonna happen 6 months from now. I still can't believe it. I'm going to have my own family.

Well, I gotta catch up on some sleep. We'll be leaving for Vegas around 10am. Goodnight everyone!


Anonymous said...

hi calee! aww i just wanted to say congratulations!! i didn't even know til i decided to check ur blogspot today haha im so excited for you & can't wait to meet the new addition to your family :D

Calee: said...

aww thank you thank you!! i can't wait myself, shoot..get it out already! haha. (: