I only ate half of one. Mark said, "Why aren't you eating them?" They're so damn sweet. So good, but I'm so paranoid with all the sugar I ate in the past week.
I went to Babies R Us today. I don't know what it is, but everytime I get to that parking lot, someone has to piss me off. Last time this lady almost backed up into me because she didn't even SEE me (I was literally driving 2mph). Then THIS time, this lady driving her Lexus IS was pigging out at the same time (pregnant chicks, I swear), and she didn't even stop at the stop sign and almost hit like how many people, including myself. Lord. Anyways, it was my 2nd time there since I've been preggo. It's fun. I saw more things I'd want (I resisted buying all those cute outfits; I can never get sick of the puppy theme either). I bought the diaper stacker to match the set since it wasn't so expensive. Ah, I love that store. And seeing all those moms with their newborns literally makes me fastfoward to the summer already, sigh. And when I was at check out, the cashier looked at me and said, "Oh gosh! You're pregnant? Girl, you don't even look pregnant." In my head I was thinking, Woman you are CRAZY. I'm a whale. Whateva (:
I'm getting a little crazy in the head thinking of alllllll the things I gotta do in the next month. My parents are on a plane to Miami, Florida at the moment. I asked them last weekend, "You're going to Florida WITHOUT me?!" And they responded with, "OF COURSE." But then again, I have no time for vacation. I have too much crap to do. I gotta order my last batch of invitations, print them out, and send them out. I gotta go in for my 3 hour glucose. And like always, my dad likes to include me into his last minute plans such as me having to pick my parents up at the airport Tuesday morning and drive all the way to Palmdale and probably stay a couple days to help them clean since my stepmom broke her wrist less than 2 weeks ago.
Then I gotta ask Mark to find time to help me clean up downstairs before the Lomita shower on March 14th because it's a mess & I really don't want the house to look like crap when we have guests. I can't clean it up on my own time because none of that stuff downstairs is mine. I don't know where his mom and/or aunt would want things placed. Mark just started his Respiratory Therapy 101 program & it's already killing him. He just finished his general education classes there (which was Monday through Thursday 1pm-5:30), but now his classes are Monday through Friday 1pm to 6pm & he had a test 4 times this week (it's his first week too). He's been up all night studying (he was up last night 'til 4am studying), and I feel so bad that he has to go through all that during this time. Baby Dylan is not gonna let his daddy sleep whatsoever. I feel bad asking him because he has time for NOTHING right now especially on weekdays. He's so exhausted & only has the weekend to rest up. And the next few weekends we have things to attend to (like our tour of the hospital on March 1st, and a friend's birthday party to attend March 7th) and the 14th is our first shower. My sister also called me last night saying, "Find a weekend in March for us to go pick out decorations & plan out all the games & whatever else we need for the Palmdale shower." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm gonna pull my hair out.
I'm gonna steal some of Mark's Flame Broiler right now. I'm hungry.
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