Janelle & Vicky came over around noon to help me out with the chocolate covered oreos (the party favors). Thank GOD they came over because I would've never gotten those things done. For those who don't know, we used fondant white chocolate (from Smart n Final) & blue & brown Wilton Candy Melts from Michael's as the coating for the oreos. Vicky brought over most of the supplies that we needed (THANK YOU!). We used fondant for the letters (using the alphabet cutters), and we dyed them with green or blue icing dye. Let's just say, it definitely wasn't easy as it looks. It tooks lots of patience & time. Since Janelle & Vicky had to leave around 5pm, I was working on them on my own for a few hours until Leslie was able to come by & give a hand :D We finally finished assembling the oreos around 9pm (9 hours, can you believe that!) and got started on cleaning. Don, Aj, Arnie, & Leslie were all able to help with cleaning out the den, cleaning the floor, moving furniture around, and decorating. We seriously couldn't do it without all your guys' help especially since Mark spends most of the day at school. Mark & I weren't able to sleep until past 2pm from all that work. So MANY MANY THANKS to everyone who came over on Friday to help us prepare for the next day (:
Saturday; day of the baby shower:
I woke up around 9am because I knew I had too much to do before the party started at 2pm. I got up, straightened my hair, ate half a peanut butter sandwich, and got started with preparations. I helped Mark's mom cut up some cilantro, and some of her friends came over to help them with cooking so she didn't need me to help out with anything else. I washed allllllll the glasses and cups our bar area (our den is so clean; I find it hilarious how no one even knew we had a bar until they cleaned that whole room out yesterday; it echoes! That's how empty it is now). While I was cleaning up, Mark & Nic went to go pick up some chairs & tables. I also set up the banner in the front and inside, and whatever other decorations needed. 2pm came sooner than I expected. I had forgotten about the balloons so I left around 1:30 to pick some up, but my sister was already at the house so we turned back & I asked Leslie to grab them for me (THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!). So when I got back, Mark, Nic, & I were able to set up the tables & chairs before more guests came. It was windy! The wind was making the tablecloth go nuts & I had sprinkled confetti all over them so it just got all over the place. So I tied them all to the table because tape was being ghetto. Oh well. I was pretty much running around the house like a chicken with no head. So many things to attend to. I kept losing my phone (ridiculous absent minded, pregnant me), and I think I spent a whole 20 minutes looking for my phone because I couldn't eat without knowing where it was (in case people were trying to contact me). Then all our guests started coming, and it was great to see everyone. Mark's classmates started coming in, and Mark wasn't even home! He had to go drop Nic off real quick so he could get ready, and lots of people were looking for him, ha.
FOOD! It was bomb, don't you guys agree? Mark's mom used to own a Teriyaki restaurant so she made her infamous sauce & she cooked the chicken over the grill. BOMB!!! I know many of you guys enjoyed it. There was also Pad Thai (because we know that everyone else that's NOT Thai enjoys Pad Thai a LOT more! haha), spring rolls, fried rice, some chicken tamales, salad, fruits, and other stuff. I couldn't remember since I barely had time to eat (although I did stuff myself the first time so Dylan wouldn't complain). I saw everyone enjoyed the oreo party favors ;) I knew those things were gonna be a success! And I also saw so many people take a bunch of them! Haha! I didn't mind at all because there were plenty of extas (and I was able to keep some for myself, just for keeps!). But yeah, I really hope you all enjoyed the food (:
Our friends Ashley & Mark were SO GENEROUS & KIND enough to give us Chase's clothes! Man, you wouldn't believe...6 bags full of clothes! I wanted to cry, haha. My other friends who walked into the room were like DANGGG Dylan got hooked up! HAHA. I thought that was very kind & selfless & we really appreciate it. Anyways, more family & friends came. I only invited few of my friends from the valley since all my other friends are invited to the Palmdale shower which is in less than 3 weeks (exciting). The games were pretty fun too! We had the chocolate diaper game, and Jeanillie & Melissa were tied on that one. Mark was right--the Milky Way would throw a lot of people off. Good thing I listened to him because I wasn't planning to buy it (otherwise, we would've had a lot of correct answers). We gave Jeanillie & Melissa a tie breaker diaper, which was actually full of squash sprayed with some fragrance (gross I know) to throw them off with the smell. Surprisingly, Melissa got it right! HA! So she won herself a Jamba Juice gift card :) YAY for Melissa! I find is so funny because I was the one who won the chocolate diaper game at HER baby shower in January. High five for us. True chocolate eaters ;)
The beer bottle game was pretty fun. You guys pretty much see the whole game in the video; I just find it hilarious how Janelle (poor Cholo) had a bottle that was leaking so much & it just kept going down by her boobies that she had to stuff her bra with tissue. Mark said he was getting light headed & that he tried so hard. HAHA. Surprised he even played because he's not even a huge beer drinker; he's not a huge drinker, in general. But Alex was so close to winning! Man. Guys cheat, I swear. They can win like true champs. I still consider Alex the winner haha. Tj, Mark's classmate, was the winner. Congrats!
When I saw all the gifts we received, oh man. I was so surprised! We did the Baby Shower Gift Bingo game. I don't wanna explain the game since I know we're playing it at the Palmdale one, but Jeanillie & TC won (we allowed 2 winners for that game). Anyways, I loved all our gifts! I can't thank you guys enough! I received many things off my registry; I was happy! But even the gifts that weren't on, man, I'm happy! Pampers = BIG PLUS. You guys should definitely know we need LOTS AND LOTS of diapers! Shoot. And wipes ;) Cindy & her family got us the Diaper Genie (diaper disposal system) & I'm so excited to use it. So remember guys, I already received one! Nic (Mark's bff), his girlfriend Fran, and his family gave us a bunch of gifts too, including a tennis racket & tennis balls (Nic's dad is a tennis coach, Nic's a tennis coach himself, and he and Mark used to play all the time back in the day). Dylan's gonna learn how to play lots of sports. So cute. Also, I was very shocked with the gifts that Mark's classmates gave us. It was my first time meeting them yet they were SO incredibly generous. We received the Baby Bjorn carrier, and I'm seriously in love with it. Lia & TC helped me try it on! HAHA. It just makes me anticipate Dylan's arrival more & more. His other classmate Jackie got us a HUGEEEEEE basket full of stuff! The essentials! So many different outfits, white onesies for every month period, shoes, lotions, oil; oh man! I was in shock! Mark & I couldn't stop thanking her...I was gonna cry. Haha. What other gifts did we receive...ah yes, the Boppy pillow for nursing (YAY), the Serta changing pad, bouncer chair, sleep positioner, sleeper (for when Dylan sleeps in the bed if necessary), the Weeblock (!!!), lots of cute clothes, blankets, towels, bath supplies, the 'oral' set from Alex (hahah!), the snuzzler for the stroller, bottle sterilizer, formula (from Arnie & Jay's mom), money, and lots more I can't think of. I can't thank you guys enough! SERIOUSLY. Mark & I are forever grateful; I wanted to cry at some points because it was just a huge shock (and reality check) for me. We are very blessed to have you guys (family & friends) in our life, you have no idea. Thanks again (a million times & more).
The one thing that pissed me off throughout the entire day = HAPPY. THAT DOG. THAT FREAKIN' DOG IS SO RUDE. Mark's mom's friends had come earlier around 11am to help cook, and Happy was going hysterical. He even peed on the floor & it was wreaking. I had to hold him, and everytime they tried to pet him or say hi to him, he snapped & barked so loud; he tried to bite everybody. It was pissing me off like CRAZY. He would not SHUT UP throughout the day. BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK. At everyone and everything! He hates balloons & kept barking at those too. And as more people started coming, he was able to say hi to everyone he was used to (like Janelle, Aj, Don, Arnie, Leslie, Jeanillie, etc etc), but everytime someone he didn't know approached his stroller (ridiculous, I know..he has a freakin' stroller) he barked so loud & tried to bite them. Man. I just wanted to tie something around his mouth or throw him in our room. He was so mean! And I didn't want him running loose around the house because I was afraid he'd bite the babies. I was telling Mark how completely embarrassed I was because Happy tends to look so cute in pictures & videos, but when people actually wanna meet him, I get so nervous because this dog can be a huge BRAT & JERK. Such a dominant dog, and I apologize to everyone who had to put up with his stupidity. That dog is spoiled way too much, and that's why he acts the way he does. He's just not used to seeing that many people in his house, ever, and so he was so nervous. I try so hard to teach that dog how to behave, but no one else contributes to the training besides he never learns. Sigh. Happy...I swear. Ugh.
ANYWAYS, by 9pm, I was POOPED. I definitely was. I had been walking around and standing around alllllllll freakin' day while carrying a 3lb fetus in my womb. TIRING. My back was killing me & my feet ached so bad. By 10pm, most people had left. I gotta say that I was happy Lia & Alex were able to make it because I swear I would've driven to pick you guys up! Aj, Don, Arnie, Leslie, and Fern were the last people to stay. We didn't mind of course! We were having fun. I was just arranging all the gifts & clothing in our room & picking things out & what not. So much cute stuff; it just kept hitting me: I'm having a baby! It's so exciting though, and I can definitely see it in Mark that he's excited too.
Man, I was exhausted yesterday. We had to wake up early because we had to return the chairs that we borrowed to his family friend. Afterwards, we went to Target because I had to pick up some more Expecta (since Medi-Cal is super lame & doesn't cover DHA pills). We also got some Dreft detergent so I can get started on washing all of Dylan's new clothes and blankets. I have to find room to put these things away! Gosh. Our room's a mess right now. And I threw a bunch of the gifts (that are needed in our room) onto the crib because I have no where else to put them. The rest of the stuff are still downstairs in the den & I'll get those when I'll really need them. During the day, I was just way too exhausted to do anything. I just ate, helped Mark with his homework, and took a long nap. I woke up around 11pm! And I was hungry so I ate. And then I felt super sick afterwards. My constipation is kicking in. Dylan has grown so much in the last 2 weeks, and my stomach stays hard/tightened all day now. Before, I just felt like I was super fat & flubbery. Now my stomach feels like dolphin skin. And I feel him constantly moving around & kicking so hard. And sometimes it can hurt when he's moving. Man. It's just a reminder to me that his arrival is coming so soon--2 more months!
Also, my mother called from the Philippines to confirm her flight back. Could it be true? Lol. She says her arrival will be on April 1st at 7pm at LAX so we have to pick her up that night. And she also said she already purchased her ticket so I hope she's telling me the truth and not lying. Now we have to prepare the den room for her, and I'm probably going to add extra drawers in there to store some of Dylan's extra clothes, supplies, & diapers. So having my mom around would be a big help, but I know she's gonna drive me crazy 98% of the time. When does she not? I feel kinda bad because my dad doesn't want her at the Palmdale baby shower, and Mark's mom & aunt will be attending too so my mom would be left at home alone. Idk what to do.
Well, that's my "wrap-up" of what happened during the shower. Mark & I want to thank everyone again for all the help & for everyone who attended. We had SUCH a great time! We are blessed & can't wait to meet our son...and then have him meet all of YOU! We love you!
We will see the rest of you guys at the Palmdale baby shower on April 4th! (:

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