Friday, January 30, 2009
Ooh video.
I did a lil video. I'll show a better video in the future when he's bigger, more active, and a lot more easier to see on the belly. I tried to balance something on my belly to make it easier to see the kick, but nothing would stay on my round belly. This baby cheats, I swear, he KNOWS when I'm about to record him because he won't kick as much as he does when I'm not recording (or when I'm not so concentrated on waiting for him to kick). He's an active baby, but he won't prove it in this video. Since it's kinda hard to tell, you gotta watch it closely! Sorry :[ To give you a heads up, he kicks at 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and 1:23. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
23 weeks.
Babies R Us is such a fun store. I wanted to scan everything for my registry, but I didn't want all the useless stuff. Another reason why I went to Babies R Us was to see a lot of things in person (which was really cool). I got to see different strollers (although I'm still convinced on the Peg Perego), and I found a swing that was super cute. I looked at the different cribs (although I already have my mind on a certain one). It's too bad I can't see it in person before I order it ): I'm so short, and I find it hard on a lot of the taller cribs, but I believe the one I want isn't too tall & that the mattress can be adjusted well to my height. I love those blankets, especially the super plush ones, and don't be surprised if you guys see a lot of "puppy/dog" items on my registry (ha!). I couldn't help myself, they're seriously cute. I thought I wanted the "Zoo" crib bedding, but I decided to go back to what I originally wanted which is Bananafish's Spot nursery set. I love the brown colors & of course the dogs, but I think now I mostly love the set for it's SOFTNESS. My gosh, that set is sooo plushy! Looks & feels way better in person compared to the pictures online. I expected it to be soft since I read reviews on Babies R Us all the time (it's how I determine what I want on my registries; reviews help a lot!), but I didn't know it would be that nice! I love it.
I must tell you guys now that I registered for a lot of things that I'll need for the baby's crib, bath, health care, travel, eating, etc, and you'll notice that I barely put ANY clothes on there. That's because I won't need that much! Once my mother gets here, she'll just buy clothes clothes clothes! That's all she did when I was little & I hated clothes back then, haha. And now I'm pretty sure she's gonna go all out with Baby Dylan. So I'll probably be with her when she'll want to shop for the lil guy & I'll get to pick out the cute stuff ;] Oh yeah, I registered for a ton of diapers. PAMPERS! (: We'll be needing those FOR SURE. Diapers, wipes, gift cards are pretty cool. Idk. Mark & I are pretty much buying all the bedding and furniture. My neighbor told me, "Tell your friends NOT TO BUY YOU ANY CLOTHES! And make sure they include gift receipts because the policies have changed!" so I guess I'm listening to her by including this in my blog.
I ordered a baby invitation sample from PaperStyle & I absolutely love it! Since it was blank, I decided to try my best to accurately print it out all centered and with the fonts that I'd like etc, etc. It came out perfect! So whenever I order those, I'll be definitely sending them shortly after (that's why I've asked most of you guys for your addresses!) Oh, and I'm inviting a lot of people. A lot as in A LOT. It'll be at a park, but I mean, it should be okay. Also, my initial plan was to have it at Balboa Park, but I'm not about to put up with a zoo of people on a Saturday with barely any parking, duck shit everywhere, and gnats flying in my face. I'm trying to be less stressed here! So I believe Northridge Park would be perfect. (: I just need chairs. Chairs & tables for the many people that I've invited. Lordy.
K well I want some ice cream (:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Bubbles in my tummy.
Week 22 has been an eventful my uterus, that is. I feel that the baby just grew huge out of no where! My belly is a lot more firm & I feel like I have to force myself to get up. I constantly feel him moving and kicking throughout the day (he's kicking as I type). During week 20 & week 21, I would only feel him kick once or a twice probably only a couple times out of the week. Now I feel him kicking all the time, every single day. It's awesome! And I know for sure that if I lie on my back, I will feel him kicking a lot. One night I ate some Twix & he would not stop kicking for HOURS throughout the night; I couldn't sleep 'til after 3am because of it. I love it though (: The only downside of it is the fact that he's putting so much pressure on my bladder (he kicks low) so I pee more than I ever did throughout my pregnancy. I swear I pee like 2-3 times an hour; I'll even get the urge to pee even though I just went 10 minutes beforehand. And I can feel him moving so much that it feels like a ball in my stomach just spinning around & I can actually feel the pressure, it actually gets firm on one side of my belly (it can be uncomfortable) then it goes away when he changes his position. When I tell Mark to place his hand on my belly to feel him kick, he NEVER feels it! I was like, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" b/c last time he tried to feel, the baby kicked 3 times & Mark didn't feel any of them. I was like jeez; he just doesn't pay attention. I guess it would only be obvious to him when my belly is bigger & more obvious to feel. But I swear, I feel it inside & outside; if you were to hold your hand on my belly, you'll see your hand jump!
Being pregnant has so many effects on my body. Sheesh! As if there weren't enough. The wind has been driving me crazy because I'm already suffering from a stuffy nose every morning. The past two days I've been afraid of getting sick because the wind always makes me sick. And now I'm going to start exercising more. I look down & I start to see my toes getting fatter. It's been so cold & I hate walking around this neighborhood alone (I would always walk Bonnie everyday). Having Bonnie around was so productive; she kept me busy & focused & not lazy. I guess I'll go back on the DDR and just do standard (no jumping) haha. I love how I use DDR (so Asian, so junior-high ish), but I have to admit that it really works & it's what helped me drop 22 pounds before my pregnancy. I also bought me some weights (not heavy ones, no worries) so I can somewhat work my arms out because I hate seeing them jiggle. Or more like, I hate Mark saying, "Lemme see your arms jiggle!" Asshole.
I've been aggravated with my biological mother. If you all didn't know, she lives in the Philippines; she's been there for almost 3 years now. My parents divorced when I was 7 & I have always lived with my father. My mom never raised me so I don't have that mother-daughter relationship with her (or with anyone, actually). It's just always been my dad and me. My mom tends to not care, not only for me but for my other siblings, & ever since I was in junior high/high school, I kinda always showed anger and hatred toward her never being there for me. But either way, Mark & I helped her out with whatever she needed before she left the country. Last year she kept telling me that she would be coming back. She would say, "I'm coming back in October" then she'd say "Nevermind, I'm coming back in January" then she'd say "February" and now it's "First week of March." I never know what to believe, but she's lucky that Mark's mother is even allowing her to stay with us. I spoke to her today over some issues & I just got completely FRUSTRATED to the point where I was crying & screaming at her. She always tells me, "Ask your dad for help" as if my father hasn't been helping me my ENTIRE LIFE. My mom just doesn't understand how to be a parent, I swear. This is why I envy those who have parents who aren't divorced, or even just those who have a happy family because for me, I have always been used to having a broken one. I guess that's why Mark & I can definitely understand each other's point of view. But I spoke to my father, and like everyone else says, "Don't stress over it." I can't count on her; I never used to count on her. It's just the fact that my brother had a son a few years ago & she never even met her first grandchild. Now her 2nd grandson is coming along, and I wish she would just understand that if she can't be there for me, at least be there for my son.
Mark's aunt's best friend was telling me (on Sunday) how they want to throw us a little baby shower here at our house. Since we're having the super big one in at the park in the valley, we're just going to invite a few close family & friends. Nothing humungous & no games or anything. I just can't refuse the support, you know? I'm very excited for both though, especially at the park since that's where everyone will be brought together! I'm already looking at the different inviation to choose from since the ones being sent to friends have to say "Calee," and the ones being sent to family have to say "Charleene." Ha. It's just so exciting. I've even started my gift registries on Target & Babies R Us because I get so bored at home. I even want to start a scrapbook, but I have to promise myself to actually finish it, haha. We'll see what happens.
Mark told me this morning that we will get started on our room within 2-3 weeks. I hope he really means 2 ;] I'M SO ANXIOUS!!
Well have a good day everyone. Many kicks from Baby Dylan!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
22 weeks.
Planning. I've been pretty occupied with how our room is going to be arranged. I also picked out which crib & baby changer I want--I did a lot of research & unfortunately these items can only be ordered through the Babies R Us or Target websites. Much has to be moved around or taken out. Like Mark's desk, it's HUMUNGOUS & is pretty much the size of the crib so we're going to get a much smaller desk. Our TV stand is too long as well & I need that space for the baby changer. Thank God our room is sorta large. I did all the measurements on all our furniture & drew out a floor plan. Last week I cleaned out underneath our bed. You won't believe how many plastic bags were under's literally our "hide everything" spot. I also found like 4 tennis balls so Bonnie was having the time of her life literally running all over plastic bags chasing after the balls. I also got rid of like 50 pieces of clothing that I never use anymore / don't need. Now I'm not struggling with squeezing some clothes in, and I have plenty of hangers. I threw away all the extra chinchilla supplies we had in a storage since they're not with us anymore & used that bin to put all my handbags in. I also got rid of old purses, even the pink Andy Warhol guns bag that brings me back to senior year! Boo. But I told myself that all those memories are kept safely in my mind & that I have no room to keep them stashed away forever. All the extra things I got rid of are going to Goodwill (yes, I love doing this for a cause!) so I gotta carry like 8 bags of crap to the corner haha. Well, they're kinda too heavy so I need Mark's help. I cleaned out 3 drawers (out of 9) that are in our closet to make room for any of Baby Dylan's extra clothes or supplies. What we also need is some deep carpet cleaning. Bonnie & Margaux did a wonderful job in messing the place up when they were little puppies, and Happy contributed when he felt like being an ass. I can't wait to see the outcome of this room; it's gonna be great! And I've been planning that the "theme" colors of our room will be brown/beige because the crib bedding we're planning to get is a mixture of blue/brown/beige/light green with zoo animals. It's gonna look organized up in here! We'll get started on it in next month (:
Last Saturday was Melissa's baby shower! I felt like I belonged because there were a TON of little kids running around & like 6 pregnant chicks & what not. Haha. I also won the "Poop Guessing Game" (which is where you have melted chocolate in the diapers --portraying poop-- and you have to guess which chocolate brand it is). I always end up winning that game, I remember winning it at Nay's haha. I eat chocolate too much! HAHA. I took a look at those melted chocolates & I didn't even think twice. We also played bingo for the type of gifts they would be receiving and even after someone had already won, Leslie & I were STILL playing haha. Mark was also chosen to play a game where he and his partner were blindfolded & they both had one arm behind their backs & they had to help each other put a diaper on a stuffed animal in front of them. Too bad they ended up putting the diaper over the poor bear's head. HAHA. I recorded it too. It was also fun meeting people & laughing too much with the cousins [Arnie Leslie Fern Paul etc]. Melissa's nursery for Evan is SOO CUTE! It's themed brown/blue & it's just perfect in there. And apparently Mark's father knows I'm pregnant (we thought he didn't know) so that means we gotta make a visit soon (which I'm scared about). That baby shower was fun; it definitely makes me look forward to mine!
So the pregnancy updates of this week:
The GOOD--
-Planning is fun.
-TLC & Discovery Health channels are so informative. I make Mark watch Jon Kate + 8 with me so he can understand what it will be like when he sees his little man running around in the future.
-I want a Peg Perego Uno stroller + car seat..they're so handy! I researched & researched & found this to be really convenient & the lightest. When I saw the Bugaboo Frog & read about all its features, I really wanted it. BUT I CHANGED MY MIND. I feel like if I did have a Bugaboo Frog, I'd need some sort of alarm system on that thing to keep hands off it. They cost $800!!!! Jeez.
-The belly is getting bigger & bigger.
-The baby likes to kick A LOT! It happens randomly most of the time so I can never get Mark to feel at the right times. It makes me happy whenever I get to feel him kick. He likes to kick after I drink some caffeine free coke. Whenever I play classical music, he nevers kick, but earlier I was playing some Paramore for him & he started kicking me! I probably woke him up, haha.
-Paramore is opening up for No Doubt on tour this summer! Oh man, I miss Gwen! My two favorites on tour together, how perfect can it get?
The BAD--
-I get my headaches..oh, how I HATE THOSE. But it's lessening.
-I pee wayyyyy too much; Mark didn't even realize how I wake up in the middle of EVERY night just to go pee (until I asked him yesterday, "Do you ever notice me going to the bathroom every night?" "Oh, you do? I never knew that.") I pretty much pee every 2 hours during the day.
-I feel like a cow because I'm gaining so much weight. It's just me being so insecure especially after coming straight from a diet to being pregnant out of no where.
-Sleeping is getting a bit more complicated. It's the whole "laying on your sides" issues. My ears and shoulders end up hurting so much after sleeping in the same position for hours. I actually find laying on my back much more comfortable, but I try not to so that circulation is consistent for the baby. I don't know. I read that it doesn't affect the baby rather it affects your own back. Then I read that it affects your baby's oxygen. I just gotta ask my doctor about how she thinks the next time I see her.
-Medi-Cal is pissing me off. I went to Target to get my prescription for my prenatals filled, but the pharmacist says that Medi-Cal won't cover the type of pills I was prescribed (the ones with DHA added) and that they'll only cover certain over-the-counter types. This whole time I've been receiving TONS of samples so I never got them from a pharmacy, but now that I've been approved with Medi-Cal, I get prescriptions b/c it's supposedly free. But here's the pharmacist telling me how they're expensive as well ($50-$60) I was like WHAT! Ugh, I hope the pharmacist calls me back soon; she said she'd call my doctor for any alternatives.
-Mood swings. I've been getting them often these past 2 weeks. I'll have my absolute high moments then I'll have my down moments. I get pretty uneasy when I think about how people have their doubts about me, but Mark keeps reminding me that I must continue to concentrate on myself & the baby & to not care what people think especially when they don't matter. He's definitely right. No one knows the life I live except myself I may not have a girl "BEST FRIEND" that I can turn to anymore, but I do have a boyfriend who fits the role just fine. He's all I need.
-My wrist is swollen & it hurts so bad. I definitely need to see a doctor soon about it especially before I gotta be holding my baby so often. I can hardly turn my wrist both ways. It even hurts as I type right now.
Well, it's almost 1am, and I feel like I want something sweet. So bad. I got mad cravings!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Rest in Peace.
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
This morning, Mark & I attended little Preston's funeral. It was the hardest funeral for me to attend. Preston was only 2 years old & battled Sandhoff disease. My heart goes out to his parents Paul & Clare, and the rest of the family. You two are extremely strong & courageous parents, and God knows how much love you put into your son. Preston is in peace now and is able to have everything he couldn't have here on earth. We keep him & the family in our prayers.
Rest in peace baby Preston. <3
Thursday, January 15, 2009
21 weeks.
1) Headaches--almost every day. It drives me crazy. I try to avoid taking medicine although they "say" that Tylenol is safe. Most time I try to rest it off, but there are times when it's really unbearable.
2) Mood swings. I haven't been so moody through most of this time that I've been pregnant, but lately I have been. Of course, Mark's the only one who puts up with me.
3) I think I feel the baby! It's hard to explain, but I feel something at random times during throughout the day/night. It HAS to be him. It can't be gas because then I'd be farting all over the place haha (:
4) I'm going to be very bored soon. Bonnie goes back home to Palmdale tomorrow ): I love having her around, she keeps me busy & motivated. I'm not lazy when she's around. I'm sad, but happy for her because I know she misses the other dogs. She also needs all that space to run. Every time we say, "Where's Chumbah?!" she gets all craaaaaaaazy & runs all over the room & jumps on Mark and starts covering him in slobber. Then she stares at the window hoping that he's out there somewhere. She misses her boyfriend.
5) I like my new doctor. She's very nice and seems to care a lot about her patients. I felt a lot more comfortable around her. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again (: My last doctor didn't even use a doppler; all he said was, "You can hear it with a regular stethescope later on during your pregnancy" -_- But it was great being able to hear it, and Dr. Mendoza says that it's perfect (: Ah, so reassuring. It makes me happy.
6) I've been watching/reading a lot of things regarding what will be going on towards the end of my pregnancy/labor. I'm learning a lot, but I still have a lot more to learn. It's scary but so exciting at the same time.
7) I hate the idea of people thinking that advising someone how to be a mother is "helpful." I happen to enjoy the idea of learning & experiencing motherhood on my own (well of course with Mark), and in our own way. I don't have a problem sharing experiences and vice versa with fellow pregnant women. It's fun, and THAT'S where I get to relate. But If you trust yourself to be a good mother, you will be. No one wants to be "told" how to be a parent. Unless you notice that someone's endangering their baby, then that's okay. It's just obvious how much people want to show off their experience by "advising" soon-to-be parents. Overall, it's so unncessary.
8) I've been watching TLC for the past 3 hours (still am), and I was watching this episode of "Bringing Home Baby" about a Vietnamese family & they were talking about how every member is born with a different Chinese zodiac. Then I was wondering to myself what Baby Dylan's Chinese zodiac sign was. 2009 is the year of the Ox so I told Mark, and he's like "Like me. I'm born in the year of the Ox." I was like, "What?" Then I started reading about the Ox, and I was just like, "Wow. That is SO Mark."
The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.
Ox people need peace and quiet to work through their ideas, and when they have set their mind on something it is hard for them to be convinced otherwise. An Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever they do, even without imagination. These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.
People born under the influence of the Ox are kind, caring souls, logical, positive, filled with common sense and with their feet firmly planted on the ground. Security is their main preoccupation in life, and they are prepared to toil long and hard in order to provide a warm, comfortable and stable nest for themselves and their families. Strong-minded, stubborn, individualistic, the majority are highly intelligent individuals who don't take kindly to being told what to do.
The Ox works hard, patiently, and methodically, with original intelligence and reflective thought. These people enjoy helping others. Behind this tenacious, laboring, and self-sacrificing exterior lies an active mind.
The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes them nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new.
It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them.Also the Ox people are all caring and loving but at times when you mess with them they will tear out in anger.
Mm, yeah. Baby Dylan is going to be just like his daddy.Anyways, about a month ago one of Mark's best friends Nic had an accident where pretty much hit his face/head into a pole while playing basketball. For the past 3 days, he has been having these horrible seizures. He kept calling Mark about them and how he doesn't seem to remember exactly what happens, but Mark reassured him that everything will be okay. Yesterday while Mark was leaving school, Nic gave Mark a call saying how he was feeling one of them headaches again so Mark went to go visit him. Once he got there, he gave Nic a call but he wasn't answering. Mark headed towards the house & Nic's sister told him, "Look out for the ambulance! He's having a seizure again!" And there was Nic, having a seizure in front of Mark's face (it's like one of those Grand Mal seizures). If I was there, I'd probably have a panic attack. I don't know. But he was sent to the hospital, and Mark couldn't help but tear up. I feel bad for Nic. I hope Nic will get a true diagnosis soon. The hospital keeps releasing him because they don't exactly know what's wrong with him. They took an MRI & said nothing was wrong. Mark & I were waiting for a call last night to see if we could go visit him, but I guess they were doing some tests & planned to release him again. Nic called, and all this guy could say is, "I'm hungry." Anyways, I was hoping everyone who reads this could pray for him that he'll be okay. It would mean a lot (:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"It's sooooo cute!"
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Today I am 20 weeks pregnant! WOO WOO! I'm officially halfway through, ALREADY. I still can't believe how fast time is flying. Also, it's mine & Mark's 2 years, 9 months anniversary <3 I love my boyfriend! And that also means 3 more months until my 21st birthday. Haha. Wow, today marks a lot of special things to remember. Haha.

Today I went to Nail Factory! I haven't been back since September! And that was to get one of my nails taken off because some dog yanked me at my last job & broke my nail (the zoo nails, remember?) while they were still new. Yes, it was gross & nasty, but yeah that was the last time I've been to Nail Factory. Anri didn't have a clue that I was pregnant so when I told her, she FREAKED hahahaha. And I told her, "Tell me about it. I still wake up every morning thinking to myself, 'Wow, I really am pregnant.' " It was good catching up though; I feel like it's been forever. But like always, she did an amazing job with my nails (: I wanted to do a dog theme & I decided to add Pochacco; I wanted to do Sanrio characters like HK, Pochacco, Pekkle, & Keroppi, but I decided to stick with the dog theme. I love 'em! She's an artist ;]
I'm kinda pooped. Happy wore me out bc I decided to be nice enough to let him walk with me and Bonnie; he peed 20 different times on 20 different places, and then he got his furry feet allllll dirty (they were BLACK), and he kept pulling on the leash while Bonnie was just chillin'. When we got back home, I tried to wash his feet, but he was being a spoiled freakin' brat so I just ended up giving him a bath, and it took me a lifetime to finish up (including blow drying him). I'm so exhausted! UGH.
Tomorrow is my appointment with my doctor at 9:30am. Yay we get to see baby Dylan again! I'm sure he's grown a bit since my ultrasound last Monday. I'm excited, like always. I'll probably do a video or something. Lia suggested that I do one at least every month to show you guys how much progress is going on. I can't wait to finish my "Belly Pictures" timeline because I take pictures of my belly every week since 13 weeks, and I'm amazed at how quick the baby grows.
I'm gonna rest now. I have a headache. Have a good night everyone!
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's family business.
Yesterday Mark & I met up with my parents & my sister & her boyfriend to have lunch at Olive Garden in Northridge. We tried to reach my brother, but he wasn't picking up his phone. My sister's birthday was on New Year's but she was in Vegas so I guess they wanted to get together once she got back. How dumb was I to forget how valley weather is? I went there with my Members Only jacket to realize that it was freakin' windy & freezing outside. Mark was complaining over how cold he was, but he was wearing a much thicker jacket than I was. I knew I should've brought a scarf. But anyways, the food was bomb. I had the Tour of Italy which is one of my faves (probably my favorite right now). Idk, but I've been craving Italian food lately which is awkward because I'm never in the mood for Italian food. Mark & I have only gone to Olive Garden once (by ourselves) throughout our entire relationship. My dad had too many stories to tell [like always] and was too nice to the waiter which is always embarrassing (if you know my dad, you know what I mean haha). He also seems really happy with the bluetooth headset that I got him. Unfortunately my stepmom's cell phone isn't compatible, but I told them to just upgrade to a new cell phone, I mean, she's had that phone since 2004-2005? So I suggested she get a new one. We asked my parents why they were in the valley, and my dad said they went shopping. I was like, "WHERE WAS I?!" My dad goes, "If only you came with us, I would've probably bought your Uggs." I was like, "WHAT?!?!?!" Lol. And then my stepmom told me and my sister, "I'll buy you guys your Uggs." I was like WOOWOO! My sister was like, "If it's not the Classic Tall then I don't want it." HAHA. So my sister called me today & told me that our mom ordered the boots already; she got the black, and I got the chocolate, although we both wanted black, but I guess Victoria Secret had only 1 black in stock. I told her I don't mind because I love both colors. I can't wait to be warm in those boots haha.
ANYWAYS, after lunch/dinner, Mark & I went to Nordstrom Rack (because I love the one in Woodland Hills, it's so much more organized than the ones closer here), and I just couldn't stop staring at this one L.A.M.B. bag. I hope Mark takes me back because I have a giftcard & would love to put it to use ;] Mark bought a nice T5S jacket, and I couldn't find anything else interesting because I was just fixated on that purse lol. After that, Alex, Lia, & Jason met up with us at Jamba Juice because I had to give them their Katy Perry tickets. We chatted & caught up on some things. Fun stuff. I wanted to see GF! But we had to rush home right after since Mark had school today & we had to attend to our little full-bladdered, hungry labrador who was so excited to see us after being gone. And the part that made me the HAPPIEST was the fact that Bonnie didn't chew up a SINGLE thing while we were gone! Ahh, good girl. She got special treatment after that. I was proud. (:
Today my dad called me & told me he's not feeling too well ): He had really high blood pressure, 165 over something..but he was at the doctor's when he called me & he had an EKG monitoring his heart. His stomach was also hurting, and I was afraid that he'd need to go to the ER. I hope my dad's okay. I'm going to call & check up on him shortly after this blog.
I thought I felt Baby Dylan moving. I don't know. It felt kinda funny and not normal as if he was kicking. But it happened only a couple times so I'm not quite sure. Hopefully so! I can't wait to feel it and be sure; it's like the only way he can communicate with me right now.
Well, I'm going to play music for him now. Goodnight everyone!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Blah blah blah...
Well first off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's officially been 3 days of 2009 and hope everyone's been having fun. [And Happy 21st Birthday to Alex aka Jordan Bear :D)We didn't do much on New Year's Day. We just ate at Black Angus with Mark's mother, and we had a terrible waitress who literally never came to check up on us, kept forgetting Mark's drinks, and made us sit there for seriously 2 hours when it only took us like 45 minutes to finish eating. HA. But yeah, we didn't do much. I stayed home & spent time with Bonnie & Mark.
Yesterday I spent the whole day calling & complaining to I have like 4 orders from them & they keep e-mailing me to complete my payment for my 80%20 boots that Mark bought me. But I had already called them like 3 times this past week to let them know that I sent that freakin' payment the day I ordered it & they still haven't updated the status in my account profile on the site itself. That website drives me crazy. I just took advantage of their 50% and 60% sales, but they take FOREVER to ship items. Lordy. I was so aggravated, but finally someone was smart enough to put my payment through & have it shipped. NEVER AGAIN. Well, unless they have another sale since I love their jackets & shoes. Eh.
Mark & I watched Marley & Me last night at 11pm. I read the book a couple years ago & knew that it was a must to see this movie. We didn't get to watch it the past week because it was too cold on Christmas (in Palmdale) so I didn't even wanna go out, Mark's been busy, we have no time, or I'm too tired at night (which I usually always am). Finally, I decided that we had to go no matter what. The movie was cute, many of the things that were written in the book, but there were some parts that I felt were missing or not identical to the book. Well, it has been a while since I've read it also. But seeing Marley ruin everything and be a typical lab was just fun to watch. We laughed, and towards the end, I definitely cried the ENTIRE TIME. I think for like 20 minutes straight I was crying. For one, it reminded me of Margaux & Sean, the two dogs in MY lifetime whose deaths I've had to overcome. And it just made me think about my others dogs & the future. Ah, Cinnamon & Lucky are almost reaching their time, but Chumbah & Bonnie still have a long way to go. Either way, it made me think too much, and I'm a very emotional person during this time, lol. It even made Mark sad! Dogs aren't just these animals that you just laugh at and feed whenever they feel hungry. They really become your best friend(s) if you build that relationship with them. I loved it, and it touched me.
Earlier around 8pm today, Mark & I felt like going to the Griffith Park Observatory. I haven't been there since I was like 5; Mark said he was around 12 years old since he last went. It closed at 10pm and since it's already night time, it only took us 25 minutes to get there. I wish traffic on the 110 was like that everyday, sheesh. Anyways, I totally forgot how small that place was; I just loved the view. The huge telescope was closed, and it was kinda cloudy so we didn't see much, but just read around & amazed ourselves over astronomical facts. Like dorks. After half hour, we were pretty much done. I enjoyed the minimal amount of walking because I felt like I was getting exercise. Haha.
So here's the thing with Bonnie. Everyday around 6-7am, Bonnie jumps next to me and licks my face and hands to wake me up to let her go potty. So I force my lazy, pregnant ass to get up and take her out. Then I feed her & go back to sleep. Once I wake up (which is usually caused by her staring while she's RIGHT next to me or licking my face again), I take her back out to potty, then throughout the day I let her out every 3 hours or so. She's potty trained & well behaved when we're home. But when we have to leave her at home alone, we have to be cautious. We have to put everything that we assume is "chewable" (in her case) on top of a desk or something. But she has her ways of getting to whatever she wants. We never allow her on the bed, but when we're gone, it's her throne. Yesterday, we went out to watch the movie, and we came back to find a lid of something and a roll of tissue paper chewed up. I disciplined her for that, but I thought,
I'm selling my Katy Perry (feat. Alpha Beat) tickets to Lia because I decided to not go ): I'm so JEALOUS! I wanna go SO BAD! But I have GA Floor tickets & the concert is on January 31st--I'll be 23 weeks pregnant by then, and I can barely keep myself standing. Well, I'm not that bad, but standing outside for a concert and standing inside for a concert for hours surrounded by sweaty, rowdy people? I won't be able to handle it. I couldn't handle the Paramore shows in November (like c'mon, I almost fainted) so I don't think it'll be safe for me to go to this one. BUT I'M STILL SO JEALOUS because I've been wanting to see Katy Perry for a while. I'm part of her fan club and everything & I bought those tickets before they went on sale to the public, lol. Oh well. You guys are gonna have fun, betches.
FINALLY, about the pregnancy. Well now I'm officially 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My belly is getting big. I feel like people on YouTube have bigger (like HUGE), more prettier bellies than I do, aha. And some don't have a belly at all! Well, that's probably b/c those skinny women go to the gym like 5 days a week or something. I've been feeling okay. Sleeping gets irritating at times because I'm really desperate for a comfortable position, which for me is to sleep kinda on my side but on my belly, kinda like halfway. But I can't do that now since I have my belly. So that's been causing some backaches for me. I get my migraines from time to time, I'd say every other day or every other 2 days. Depends. I hate those. Earlier today I played some classical music for the baby for about 45 minutes. I'm anxious to finally feel the baby kick. I'm going to continue to play music for him daily or as often as I can. I want a baby genius, you know?! Well, I cheated and played one Paramore song for him, but that's because I know he'll be able to sing the songs with me later on (: We've been thinking over the names, but most likely his first name will be Dylan (: I've been convincing Mark how much I LOVE THAT NAME. Now I gotta figure out his middle name. I bought a book full of names so I'm going to browse through that for one or in case I end up changing my mind on "Dylan" (which I DOUBT). I have so much shopping to do for babies because I have a couple gatherings to attend this month! Looking for gifts for the babies (since they're both boys) makes me just wanna buy the stuff for myself! MWAHA. But no, Calee, control yourself. Did I mention that I received my Medi-Cal card in the mail? I got it yesterday which is absolutely RELIEVING. The whole application process has been stressing me out these past 2 months. Driving me CRAZY! But I'm glad it has come in on time so we are ready for our next appointment next Friday. Exciting.
Well, I think I want some ice cream. :D Goodnight everyone.