Well first off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's officially been 3 days of 2009 and hope everyone's been having fun. [And Happy 21st Birthday to Alex aka Jordan Bear :D)We didn't do much on New Year's Day. We just ate at Black Angus with Mark's mother, and we had a terrible waitress who literally never came to check up on us, kept forgetting Mark's drinks, and made us sit there for seriously 2 hours when it only took us like 45 minutes to finish eating. HA. But yeah, we didn't do much. I stayed home & spent time with Bonnie & Mark.
Yesterday I spent the whole day calling & complaining to Karmaloop.com. I have like 4 orders from them & they keep e-mailing me to complete my payment for my 80%20 boots that Mark bought me. But I had already called them like 3 times this past week to let them know that I sent that freakin' payment the day I ordered it & they still haven't updated the status in my account profile on the site itself. That website drives me crazy. I just took advantage of their 50% and 60% sales, but they take FOREVER to ship items. Lordy. I was so aggravated, but finally someone was smart enough to put my payment through & have it shipped. NEVER AGAIN. Well, unless they have another sale since I love their jackets & shoes. Eh.
Mark & I watched Marley & Me last night at 11pm. I read the book a couple years ago & knew that it was a must to see this movie. We didn't get to watch it the past week because it was too cold on Christmas (in Palmdale) so I didn't even wanna go out, Mark's been busy, we have no time, or I'm too tired at night (which I usually always am). Finally, I decided that we had to go no matter what. The movie was cute, many of the things that were written in the book, but there were some parts that I felt were missing or not identical to the book. Well, it has been a while since I've read it also. But seeing Marley ruin everything and be a typical lab was just fun to watch. We laughed, and towards the end, I definitely cried the ENTIRE TIME. I think for like 20 minutes straight I was crying. For one, it reminded me of Margaux & Sean, the two dogs in MY lifetime whose deaths I've had to overcome. And it just made me think about my others dogs & the future. Ah, Cinnamon & Lucky are almost reaching their time, but Chumbah & Bonnie still have a long way to go. Either way, it made me think too much, and I'm a very emotional person during this time, lol. It even made Mark sad! Dogs aren't just these animals that you just laugh at and feed whenever they feel hungry. They really become your best friend(s) if you build that relationship with them. I loved it, and it touched me.
Earlier around 8pm today, Mark & I felt like going to the Griffith Park Observatory. I haven't been there since I was like 5; Mark said he was around 12 years old since he last went. It closed at 10pm and since it's already night time, it only took us 25 minutes to get there. I wish traffic on the 110 was like that everyday, sheesh. Anyways, I totally forgot how small that place was; I just loved the view. The huge telescope was closed, and it was kinda cloudy so we didn't see much, but just read around & amazed ourselves over astronomical facts. Like dorks. After half hour, we were pretty much done. I enjoyed the minimal amount of walking because I felt like I was getting exercise. Haha.
So here's the thing with Bonnie. Everyday around 6-7am, Bonnie jumps next to me and licks my face and hands to wake me up to let her go potty. So I force my lazy, pregnant ass to get up and take her out. Then I feed her & go back to sleep. Once I wake up (which is usually caused by her staring while she's RIGHT next to me or licking my face again), I take her back out to potty, then throughout the day I let her out every 3 hours or so. She's potty trained & well behaved when we're home. But when we have to leave her at home alone, we have to be cautious. We have to put everything that we assume is "chewable" (in her case) on top of a desk or something. But she has her ways of getting to whatever she wants. We never allow her on the bed, but when we're gone, it's her throne. Yesterday, we went out to watch the movie, and we came back to find a lid of something and a roll of tissue paper chewed up. I disciplined her for that, but I thought,
I'm selling my Katy Perry (feat. Alpha Beat) tickets to Lia because I decided to not go ): I'm so JEALOUS! I wanna go SO BAD! But I have GA Floor tickets & the concert is on January 31st--I'll be 23 weeks pregnant by then, and I can barely keep myself standing. Well, I'm not that bad, but standing outside for a concert and standing inside for a concert for hours surrounded by sweaty, rowdy people? I won't be able to handle it. I couldn't handle the Paramore shows in November (like c'mon, I almost fainted) so I don't think it'll be safe for me to go to this one. BUT I'M STILL SO JEALOUS because I've been wanting to see Katy Perry for a while. I'm part of her fan club and everything & I bought those tickets before they went on sale to the public, lol. Oh well. You guys are gonna have fun, betches.
FINALLY, about the pregnancy. Well now I'm officially 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My belly is getting big. I feel like people on YouTube have bigger (like HUGE), more prettier bellies than I do, aha. And some don't have a belly at all! Well, that's probably b/c those skinny women go to the gym like 5 days a week or something. I've been feeling okay. Sleeping gets irritating at times because I'm really desperate for a comfortable position, which for me is to sleep kinda on my side but on my belly, kinda like halfway. But I can't do that now since I have my belly. So that's been causing some backaches for me. I get my migraines from time to time, I'd say every other day or every other 2 days. Depends. I hate those. Earlier today I played some classical music for the baby for about 45 minutes. I'm anxious to finally feel the baby kick. I'm going to continue to play music for him daily or as often as I can. I want a baby genius, you know?! Well, I cheated and played one Paramore song for him, but that's because I know he'll be able to sing the songs with me later on (: We've been thinking over the names, but most likely his first name will be Dylan (: I've been convincing Mark how much I LOVE THAT NAME. Now I gotta figure out his middle name. I bought a book full of names so I'm going to browse through that for one or in case I end up changing my mind on "Dylan" (which I DOUBT). I have so much shopping to do for babies because I have a couple gatherings to attend this month! Looking for gifts for the babies (since they're both boys) makes me just wanna buy the stuff for myself! MWAHA. But no, Calee, control yourself. Did I mention that I received my Medi-Cal card in the mail? I got it yesterday which is absolutely RELIEVING. The whole application process has been stressing me out these past 2 months. Driving me CRAZY! But I'm glad it has come in on time so we are ready for our next appointment next Friday. Exciting.
Well, I think I want some ice cream. :D Goodnight everyone.
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