Planning. I've been pretty occupied with how our room is going to be arranged. I also picked out which crib & baby changer I want--I did a lot of research & unfortunately these items can only be ordered through the Babies R Us or Target websites. Much has to be moved around or taken out. Like Mark's desk, it's HUMUNGOUS & is pretty much the size of the crib so we're going to get a much smaller desk. Our TV stand is too long as well & I need that space for the baby changer. Thank God our room is sorta large. I did all the measurements on all our furniture & drew out a floor plan. Last week I cleaned out underneath our bed. You won't believe how many plastic bags were under's literally our "hide everything" spot. I also found like 4 tennis balls so Bonnie was having the time of her life literally running all over plastic bags chasing after the balls. I also got rid of like 50 pieces of clothing that I never use anymore / don't need. Now I'm not struggling with squeezing some clothes in, and I have plenty of hangers. I threw away all the extra chinchilla supplies we had in a storage since they're not with us anymore & used that bin to put all my handbags in. I also got rid of old purses, even the pink Andy Warhol guns bag that brings me back to senior year! Boo. But I told myself that all those memories are kept safely in my mind & that I have no room to keep them stashed away forever. All the extra things I got rid of are going to Goodwill (yes, I love doing this for a cause!) so I gotta carry like 8 bags of crap to the corner haha. Well, they're kinda too heavy so I need Mark's help. I cleaned out 3 drawers (out of 9) that are in our closet to make room for any of Baby Dylan's extra clothes or supplies. What we also need is some deep carpet cleaning. Bonnie & Margaux did a wonderful job in messing the place up when they were little puppies, and Happy contributed when he felt like being an ass. I can't wait to see the outcome of this room; it's gonna be great! And I've been planning that the "theme" colors of our room will be brown/beige because the crib bedding we're planning to get is a mixture of blue/brown/beige/light green with zoo animals. It's gonna look organized up in here! We'll get started on it in next month (:
Last Saturday was Melissa's baby shower! I felt like I belonged because there were a TON of little kids running around & like 6 pregnant chicks & what not. Haha. I also won the "Poop Guessing Game" (which is where you have melted chocolate in the diapers --portraying poop-- and you have to guess which chocolate brand it is). I always end up winning that game, I remember winning it at Nay's haha. I eat chocolate too much! HAHA. I took a look at those melted chocolates & I didn't even think twice. We also played bingo for the type of gifts they would be receiving and even after someone had already won, Leslie & I were STILL playing haha. Mark was also chosen to play a game where he and his partner were blindfolded & they both had one arm behind their backs & they had to help each other put a diaper on a stuffed animal in front of them. Too bad they ended up putting the diaper over the poor bear's head. HAHA. I recorded it too. It was also fun meeting people & laughing too much with the cousins [Arnie Leslie Fern Paul etc]. Melissa's nursery for Evan is SOO CUTE! It's themed brown/blue & it's just perfect in there. And apparently Mark's father knows I'm pregnant (we thought he didn't know) so that means we gotta make a visit soon (which I'm scared about). That baby shower was fun; it definitely makes me look forward to mine!
So the pregnancy updates of this week:
The GOOD--
-Planning is fun.
-TLC & Discovery Health channels are so informative. I make Mark watch Jon Kate + 8 with me so he can understand what it will be like when he sees his little man running around in the future.
-I want a Peg Perego Uno stroller + car seat..they're so handy! I researched & researched & found this to be really convenient & the lightest. When I saw the Bugaboo Frog & read about all its features, I really wanted it. BUT I CHANGED MY MIND. I feel like if I did have a Bugaboo Frog, I'd need some sort of alarm system on that thing to keep hands off it. They cost $800!!!! Jeez.
-The belly is getting bigger & bigger.
-The baby likes to kick A LOT! It happens randomly most of the time so I can never get Mark to feel at the right times. It makes me happy whenever I get to feel him kick. He likes to kick after I drink some caffeine free coke. Whenever I play classical music, he nevers kick, but earlier I was playing some Paramore for him & he started kicking me! I probably woke him up, haha.
-Paramore is opening up for No Doubt on tour this summer! Oh man, I miss Gwen! My two favorites on tour together, how perfect can it get?
The BAD--
-I get my headaches..oh, how I HATE THOSE. But it's lessening.
-I pee wayyyyy too much; Mark didn't even realize how I wake up in the middle of EVERY night just to go pee (until I asked him yesterday, "Do you ever notice me going to the bathroom every night?" "Oh, you do? I never knew that.") I pretty much pee every 2 hours during the day.
-I feel like a cow because I'm gaining so much weight. It's just me being so insecure especially after coming straight from a diet to being pregnant out of no where.
-Sleeping is getting a bit more complicated. It's the whole "laying on your sides" issues. My ears and shoulders end up hurting so much after sleeping in the same position for hours. I actually find laying on my back much more comfortable, but I try not to so that circulation is consistent for the baby. I don't know. I read that it doesn't affect the baby rather it affects your own back. Then I read that it affects your baby's oxygen. I just gotta ask my doctor about how she thinks the next time I see her.
-Medi-Cal is pissing me off. I went to Target to get my prescription for my prenatals filled, but the pharmacist says that Medi-Cal won't cover the type of pills I was prescribed (the ones with DHA added) and that they'll only cover certain over-the-counter types. This whole time I've been receiving TONS of samples so I never got them from a pharmacy, but now that I've been approved with Medi-Cal, I get prescriptions b/c it's supposedly free. But here's the pharmacist telling me how they're expensive as well ($50-$60) I was like WHAT! Ugh, I hope the pharmacist calls me back soon; she said she'd call my doctor for any alternatives.
-Mood swings. I've been getting them often these past 2 weeks. I'll have my absolute high moments then I'll have my down moments. I get pretty uneasy when I think about how people have their doubts about me, but Mark keeps reminding me that I must continue to concentrate on myself & the baby & to not care what people think especially when they don't matter. He's definitely right. No one knows the life I live except myself I may not have a girl "BEST FRIEND" that I can turn to anymore, but I do have a boyfriend who fits the role just fine. He's all I need.
-My wrist is swollen & it hurts so bad. I definitely need to see a doctor soon about it especially before I gotta be holding my baby so often. I can hardly turn my wrist both ways. It even hurts as I type right now.
Well, it's almost 1am, and I feel like I want something sweet. So bad. I got mad cravings!
those people who doubt you are just jealous because you guys are happy. dooouches!
hii! dont worry im not a stalker or anything! our bf's know eachother ( btw, my bf's name is ronnel) & we've met before but were never formally introduced or anything.. anyways, our bf's were talking about thai food & i yelped the place your bf suggested and you had a review on sizzling wok so i clicked on your yelp page & thats how i got a link to your blog.. anyways, don't listen to people with negative things to say! people will talk regardless.. even when your doing a good job. dont let them get you down! smile.. your experiencing a wonderful blessing! btw, enjoy being pregnant because when he's out they grow up before you know it! & cute stroller!
- julie-ann
Hi Julie Ann! HAHA! omg, that's so funny how you found me! I love YELP, ahha. anyways, Mark was just telling me like 10 minutes ago how he and Ronnel were talkin' about baby stuff & what not (: I am definitely very excited & I can't wait to meet him, but like you said I really want to enjoy my pregnancy because I already know what to expect once he's out!! HAHA. But that's so cool, thanks for commenting me! I'd add your blog, but it won't let me ): But I hope you & Ronnel and your son are doing GREAT. When I first heard Ronnel say "We took Ryden to take pictures with Santa Claus" I was like "OMG BABE! HIS NAME IS RYDEN! I LOVE THAT NAME!" b/c I was contemplating on "Bryden" before we finally decided on "Dylan". (: Anyways I'll stop blabbing. Take good care!!
haha my baddd that you cant add me.. i cant figure this sh** out.. haha it took me over 30 minutes just to figure out how to enable the comments (but im trying to figure this out haha). yaa we are super spoiled gf's & super super super lucky to have them <33. anyways, yaa our bf's talk alot about the baby. im super excited for you! just before you guys were expecting i was telling ronnel how much cute little baby clothes i wanted to buy but didnt know who to give them too.. so now i have a reason to buy em haha for baby dylan! & dylans such a cute name! & logan for the middle name is cute too.. well i think its logan(?) for the middle name.. ronnel told me today. i wanted to name ryden.. riley but it was already taken in ronnels family! anyways, being young parents isn't easy but it makes life worth living and it gives your life a meaning.. i mean i never wanted to be nurse and now im studying to be a nurse.. god knows what i would have been doing if i didnt have ryden, lol. everything works itself out! baby dylan will be the best thing 2nd to mark thats happened to you. you and mark will be such great parents well from everything i've heard haha. pregnancy.. is the craziest thing you can ever go through sometimes i miss it it's so much fun having him kick inside of you! the vomitting and mood swings not so much! anyways, if you ever need help with anything or whatevers im here. & sorry if i dont make sense.. ryden's super bugging right now.
the peg preggo is a good stroller and carseat! i got that for ian but the only bad side to it is that the carseat is so heavy!!! its 17 lbs alone i believe haha and the strollers are good too but same thing its too heavy -_- but other than that theyre such awesome strollers!!! =D
yeah! i read about the car seat! and i didn't know if i wanted it anymore so i started looking at Britax ones even if i can't take them out. but the peg perego is sooo cute! i love it.
yeaa I kno!!! they really are!!! when are u planning to have your baby shower?
I am planning to have my baby shower on April 4 (saturday) when you can, please send me your address [through myspace or facebook, whichever] so i can send you the invitations by next month! :D it'll be in the valley, probably northridge park, so hopefully you and your lil fam can stop by! everyone will be there, a lot of who you know! plus i wanna see little ian, i haven't even seen him!!
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