Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008.

Hello everyone! I hope you all have a fun but safe New Year's celebration. Mark & I aren't doing a darn thing. We don't usually have anything planned every year on New Year's, so it's normal, haha. For me, I'm happy for New Year's because I'm starting it off by turning 19 weeks pregnant (: Today I've been searching online for cute little boy outfits & bibs & all that junk. It's ridiculous how soon I'm starting, but I'm SO excited over what the new year will bring us. Our baby boy will be born before summer & we're going to have a lot of memories to make. It's gonna be FUN! (and stressful and a pain, don't think I don't think about that, haha) I'm still thinking about the name, but I kinda have one already set in my mind so maybe I can convince Mark. He still keeps saying "I'm still thinking.." but I DON'T WANT TO WAIT! I wanna get cute little personalized things! And I already have my eyes set on my baby's first pair of shoes [take a guess on what brand]. Yeah, I'm crazy. TRY BEING PREGNANT, you'll feel the same! Well, I'm not gonna spoil my kid that much; I'm just too anxious for these next few months to pass by so I can finally meet my baby for the first time. Now that I know the gender, it's easier to plan! And I would love to get started on a scrapbook. That can take up my time, in a good way, instead of shopping lol.

Oh, and another good thing is that I received my Medi-Cal insurance approval in the mail today. WOOHOO! So my next appointment will be January 9th & I get to see baby again [yay]. Then I have my next 4D ultrasound on February 14th in Glendale :D I'm also allowed 10 guests! That's all I want on Valentine's Day: to see my baby! And this time, the features will be a lot clearer. I can't wait to see who the baby looks like more.

Anyways, I'm gonna go back to looking at more baby stuff, HAHA! Goodbye 2008, you have brought many good memories, some sad & unfortunate [especially Margaux's situation], but I'm grateful for everything I have experienced.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Boy names suggestions?

You guys need to throw some baby names at me. FIRST and/or MIDDLE names. Comment & give me some names to choose from!

See here's the thing, Mark doesn't really like any other name (at the moment) besides "Mackenzie." He loves that name. Although it's originally a boy name, it sounds so girly to me (and everyone else I told). He also loves it because he'd want his kid to be nicknamed "Mac" or "Mack." So think about it..Mack Chantarawong? That's like saying Mark's name all fobby-ish without the "R" lol.

In case some of you guys didn't know, I was already set on a girl name, that's IF we were going to have a baby girl. Her name would be "Audrey", but I wasn't set on a middle name yet. Oh well. Whenever I have a daughter, her name will be Audrey for sure! At least that was easier for Mark & I to agree on, haha. (:

So here are some BOY names that I've thought of. I haven't seriously sat down with Mark to choose among them since I wanted to make a longer list instead.

-Mackenzie (lol)
-Dylan (i <3333 this name, one of my faves, even though it's my nephew's name aka my brother's son lol, except his is spelled as "Dillon")
-Gabriel (this one is my fave too)
-Ethan (love this one too)
-Logan (Mark's choice too)
-Quincy (Another one of Mark's choices)

Monday, December 29, 2008

IT'S A...


Yes, most of you guessed it right! We have a little boy on the way! I was really too desperate to wait until my January 9th appointment so I went to Prenatal Peek in Torrance to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time and if possible, to find out the gender. I just wanted to hear what's going on inside my fat belly! I can't go weeks without checking on this little one.

Once I laid back for the ultrasound, we saw that the baby wasn't moving! He was sleeping. We heard his heartbeat, and I really wanted to cry [but I didn't want to embarrass myself because once I start crying, it doesn't stop!]. He has a very strong heartbeat. It makes us so happy. Anyways, our sonographer was trying to look between the legs to find out the gender, but the little baby was sound asleep. She told me to go to the bathroom & that she'd give me some cold water afterwards. It really helped though! The baby started moving around & we were finally able to see that it's a little BABY BOY!!! Mark teared up (: He wanted to cry, but like me, he didn't want to be embarrassed ha. It was so cute to watch the baby. I'm only in my 18th week (18 weeks, 4 days today) so the baby has a more skeletal appearance. But our sonographer told us that our baby has some fat cheeks developing (unlike most fetuses this young) and a little tummy, so he's a chubby one! lol. The best time to go for "features" would be around 25-28 weeks. I just wanted to ensure that my baby's heartbeat is fine. He was so cute! He was holding his hands up as if he was on a rollercoaster ride. Then he had his legs up & was holding shis feet! HAHA. It was a really amazing experience. I'm so happy! It was beautiful, and I'm glad because I see how excited Mark is. Gosh, you guys are GOOD! Guessing it was a boy and all. Haha. I kept having dreams that it would be a girl because everyone kept saying it'll be a boy. But now we know for sure! So, here are some of the pictures and two parts for the ultrasound DVD (: ENJOY!

I'm so excited! Now I can go to Target / Babies R Us & buy random stuff xD

Baby's heartbeat

Heyyyy ladies (;

Rawr, I'm a monster!

Little hands (: Getting ready to learn Muay Thai in the future!

Like what Daddy always says, "Peace!"

You guys are bothering me; I'm trying to sleep!

There it is! Baby boy!

Grabbing his foot. Haha.

He's smiling! :D

**I GOT THE VIDEOS TO WORK! YouTube's workin' with me (: There are 2 parts because the whole DVD was 16 minutes so one whole video was too big to upload. Oh, and sorry it says "Evaluation Copy" across the videos; I had to use a free trial to convert the DVD. Ghetto, I know, but it works!**



Ahh, he's already the joy of my life (:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy does not make me happy...

...sometimes. But I forgot to mention last night that once we let that little dog onto our bed, I knew something was gonna happen. But I was nice enough to give him a chance. Then I saw him hovering over Bonnie's bed, and I told him, "Happy, you better not pee on Bonnie's bed." Right after I said that, I looked at OUR bed, and noticed a wet spot. I want to kill him sometimes. Okay, I don't want to kill him, but seriously, UGH! We just got our comforter dry cleaned too. Sigh.

He's officially not allowed on this bed until Bonnie goes home.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I hope you guys all had a great Christmas. I sure did. For starters, I'm officially 18 weeks pregnant! YAY! That's 4 and a half months in better terms, but I like counting by weeks, haha. I swear my days feel so long but the weeks just pas by so fast. It was just fun spending time with my family & dogs. My mom made some adobo, pancit, fish, the one-of-a-kind ham, and my sister fried some lumpia. GOOOOD FOOD; nothin' like my mom's Filipino food. Good laughs at the table too. I laughed 'til I cried, which was pretty ridiculous. It was my sister's fault. She had a wrapped present for me & I was like OOOOOOH I WONDER WHAT IT IS! When I opened it, I saw it was a in "Seafood City" box, and it turned out to be a a Seafood City calendar. I was like WTF IS THIS?! But not in a mad way, more like a hilarious way, cuz I seriously could not stop laughing my ass off. I really blame my hormones on it because I started crying. It's because she ended up giving my brother some lame Seafood City t-shirt, and he pointed out that said "Queen of the [something]" on it. My parents, me, Mark, my sister's boyfriend Neil were just hysterically laughing because we were just like, what IS this? And all my sister kept saying was, "I'm sorry. We're so broke this year. I couldn't get you guys anything else." And there she was, handing Mark a Nordstrom giftcard. LOL. 5 minutes later she handed me an envelope with a Christmas card and a Forever 21 giftcard. AHAHA. That's more like it ;) It was my only gift, but I'm happy. Oh, and then she gave my brother his "real" gift, which was a sweater from Macy's. Haha. All Mark kept telling my sister was, "That was a good one, that was good." [Yeah, that picture is me literally laughing/crying and Mark laughing at me. I got my giftcard, BOOYA!]

I love wrapping gifts (even though I really suck at it), and my favorite part is giving the gifts. We bought these really cute doggie gift tags to go with them (yes, you'd definitely know it's from me). But anyways, we always buy gifts to never expect anything back. I know my family, especially my parents, deserve something nice for a gift. Mark & I gave my stepmom & dad bluetooth headsets because I'm so tired of always hearing my dad yell through speakerphone everytime he calls me. Lol. We got my brother a robe, my sister's boyfriend Neil a Best Buy and Starbucks giftcard, and my sister the Juicy Couture "Viva La Juicy" gift set. She got what she wanted since her birthday's coming up on New Year's, haha. I got Mark the Lakers Swingman jersey (: He wanted a jersey. And he got ordered my Obey jacket that I wanted x] After opening the gifts, we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall (although I had already seen it 3x). I had a good time with my family; I think it was better this year than last year because it was just straight up immediate family. Good times. The holidays wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be (due to the horrible economy & struggles & what not). Family is the best. It's too bad we didn't get to take a family picture; it's probably because they knew I looked like crap after all that crying--my energy was completely drained & I was ready to sleep. Mark decided to go home last night, and once he got to his car he gave me call saying how his car was covered in ice. Yup, Palmdale weather. Not surprised. He couldn't even close his trunk or his door. All I heard was him slamming his door 10x. It was FREEZING! I think 28 degrees? Idk.

Man, most of the pictures [of all of us] are on my mom's and sister's camera. They're probably filled with really embarrassing pictures of me.

Today it wasn't raining in Palmdale; the sun was shining bright but it was seriously windy. I hate that. It's what makes it so cold. Everything outside was covered in blocks of ice. At 7am, I could see snow falling, but it was too windy so obviously it wasn't working out. My sister, her boyfriend, my brother, and I all went to the Antelope Valley Mall after lunch. I seriously hate that mall. It's so boring. Nothing interests me there. I tried looking around, but nothing. It was completely packed, the aisles are so narrow. I was getting tired. So we decided to head to Target. I love Target (: My sister bought me 2 pairs of maternity jeans. They make me happy! I ESPECIALLY love the ones with the entire belly coverage. It's comfy (: Now I gotta take them to the dry cleaners to get them cut and made skinnier lol. I also bought Mark NBA 2k9 for his XBOX 360 since I know he's been wanting that game. Well, Don gave us a giftcard so it contributed to half (: Might as well, right? I'm happy with what I got this Christmas because the most precious gift I could definitely hold is new life growing inside me :D

After Target, we headed back home. I ate some more then got packing on my stuff. I had to prepare the backseat of my car since I took Bonnie home (: She's sleeping right now. Once I got home, I gave her a bath (and she hates bath time..well, water in general. Weird for a Lab, right? She really hates water). And the funny part is now that I have a door mirror (well, those body sized mirrors), she likes staring at herself (or at me) through it. She seems pretty interested. Haha. I also decided to treat myself. I got my TOMS! I might as well get what I asked Santa for since I know he gave up on me after I turned 10. And Disney Couture came out with a cute Beauty & the Beast collection & the rose bangle was a definite must-have for me. I love it. Well, I'm gonna go now. Bonnie's bothering me because she wants me to throw her ball around. Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday! And GOODNIGHT!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

I had to take pictures before it started raining. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, from me, Mark, little fetus, and all our doggies (:

Monday, December 22, 2008

2 months ago..

Margaux was taken away from me. Every single time I think about it, it still makes me incredibly sad, and I cry. It still isn't that easy, but like I always say, it's better that she's is a safe place now. I still can't believe how it happened so sudden & so early in her life. I still think about her all the time. I just can't forget the date whenever it passes by. I'm just so convinced that part of her lives in our baby.


Friday, December 19, 2008

The things that reassure me that I'm pregnant.

I love writing these blogs because I know that later on, I'm going to look back on them & probably want to re-live my pregnancy. So I like documenting EVERYTHING! So sorry if anything seems overexposed or the following, lol.

So late last night (or early this morning, around 12:30am), after hours of complaining to Mark about how my breasts were aching/hurting so much, he finally said, "Babe, it's because you're lactating." And I'm like, "What?! Shut up, no I'm not." The pain was aggravating so I tried massaging (yeah, sounds weird) and BAM! I was lactating a very little amount of clear liquid (Some early colostrum, no?!) and I was like whoa! And Mark said, "See, I told you. You never believe me." I don't know HOW he knows my body better than I do. Last time I remember him doing this was when I kept complaining about how sick I was and he kept saying, "Babe, it's because you're pregnant." I never believe the guy, but he's always right! And I didn't think I was leaking because I'm still pretty early in my pregnancy but I know it's normal & has happened to many other people. Anyways, that was the first time I noticed my boobies doing that. I guess that means that I'll be a good candidate for breastfeeding after the baby's born. Yay! It's another reality-check to me that I really DO have a baby inside! Well yeah, I just wanted to share that. Coming from a first-timer. Haha.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

17 weeks.

Time does fly by pretty quickly.

Anyways, this week has been exhausting. Yesterday Janelle & I went Christmas shopping @ Cerritos Mall. It's ridiculous how easily tired I get. We ate at CPK around 2 and I wanted to knock out afterwards. Ahh. But yeah, I don't feel like shopping over the weekend because I know it's just going to be ridiculous. People are CRAZY at the mall especially on those busy weekends such as this upcoming weekend before Christmas. So anywho, I got some presents for both mine & Mark's families, and we went to Target for more presents (and I was desperate for an umbrella). It was pouring yesterday. I really wish I was able to drive to Palmdale & enjoy the snow! The 14 freeway was closed, but I believe it reopened this afternoon. My dad didn't go to work yesterday or today. He attempted to, but it was impossible. It wasn't snowing that much last year; it was icy but no snow. The dogs were having so much fun! I posted some pics in my bulletin on myspace, but I'll probably upload some on here later. It was nice to see those pictures; my brother & dad took them and emailed them to me shortly after. I was jealous, grr.

Today, Janelle & I headed to South Coast Plaza. I didn't shop. I didn't feel like it. Shopping for presents this year is so not fun. I think everyone knows how it is. We're just all broke. It's so lame. Anyways, Cholo cooked me brunch & I just wanted to sleep afterwards (again lol). I have no energy! I'm just pooped all the time. Gosh. After South Coast Plaza we headed to Santa Ana to meet TN & Kate at her house. We then headed to Pj's Abbey which is a restaurant in an actual old church. Kinda creepy, but it was nice. The food was good, bread was yummy, but all the entrees are like $16+. We were the only Asians there, mwahah. It was also nice because there was a violinist playing & he played Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera. It was so pretty! Well whenever Kate gets to send me the pictures, I'll post them. It was good catching up with the girls especially since I've been pretty much locked up in this room most of the time.

Mark is finally off for vacation until January 5th so I won't be as bored at home alone everyday. YAY. There are so many movies I'd like to watch in theaters, but Marley & Me is my priority this Christmas (: I tear up everytime I see that trailer lol. But anyways, hopefully the next 3 weeks flies by quickly with all these holidays because I'm way too anxious for my next ultrasound. So I tried posting that video that I last showed you guys (below) through YoutTube, but it uploaded faster on Blogspot so I had no idea whether it uploaded on my YouTube account or not. The next day, I logged on my YouTube account & saw a bunch of messages from random pregnant girls asking for advice such as, "Hi, my name is _____, and I'm 15 weeks pregnant. I'm experiencing issues with gas so I was wondering if you were too. I tend to fart a lot lately, and I would appreciate it if you can mention it in your next video." HAHAHAHA. Uhhh. Hmm. It was never my intention to post a video for a "Dear Pregnant Calee.." type of situation, but I thought it was pretty funny. I actually answered her since I told her that I didn't know when the next time I would make a video was. Haha. All I wanted was to post that video on my blog; now I've become some pregnant chick giving advice to other pregnant chicks on YouTube. Weird.

Well, hope everyone's having a week and getting ready for Christmas. I'll probably post and say hi around next week when I'm in Palmdale. Bonnie will say hi too. Maybe a video. Mwaha. Bye guys.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I tried taking a pic...

...of my belly, but apparently my camera died. Darn batteries. So I recorded a video through my webcam instead! Sorry about the horrible sound quality. That last picture I posted was taken earlier than when I posted it, but still, the baby is growing fast! Enjoy (:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 months

= 16 weeks today. I can't believe how time flies by so fast. I'll have a belly picture posted sometime during the week. I swear I get bigger everyday.

Well, this week hasn't been much of an eventful week. Since Mark is in school Monday through Thusdays, I'm home everyday, doing nothing but eating, watching tv, more eating, napping, going online, watching movies, reading pregnancy books. Pregnancy has been treating me well though. I haven't felt nauseated all week (yay!) so I'm pretty relieved over that. What does suck is that I still have a stuffy nose & I wake up with a sore throat everyday. I'm positive that it's the whack weather. It's so cold these days! I love winter, but dang, my room does not wanna heat up even with the heater on. It gets cold in here. But I'm thankful that we finally took our down comforter to the dry cleaners last week because it's been dirty and unused since Happy peed on it before (because he hates Bonnie & thinks EVERYTHING in this room is his territory). And the reason why all our comforters need to be washed IS because he peed on ALL of them. Gosh. But yeah, this blanket keeps me warm. Mark finds it uncomfortable because he has this whole over-sweating issue; he gets all hot in the middle of the night & ends up having to change or something. Idk. He hates this blanket, but I love it so he really has no choice. At least he doesn't have to deal with going pee every couple of hours during the night. Ahhh. It really takes some force to get myself out of bed, but sometimes I REALLY have to go. Along with the peeing all the time, I gotta deal with my swollen gums. I floss everyday & they easily bleed; I get the urge to floss so much because my gums are so swollen, like I feel the need to massage them or something. It gets really irritating. They say that swollen gums during pregnancy is quite common. Also, I've been trying to get used to sleeping on my left side more often. I used to sleep on my left all the time, I don't know what's wrong with me. But they say that if you sleep on your left side, it allows more bloodflow / oxygen for the baby. It's kinda hard once my arm starts hurting or falling asleep. I'm still comfortable sleeping on my back or on my right side too (for now). Eh. Okay, so maybe pregnancy hasn't been treating me so well. It's just been treating me the normal way it's supposed to, hah.

I haven't felt the baby move yet! People are so lucky to feel them so early during their pregnancies. I'm so eager to know what it's like...maybe by next month I'll be able to feel something. I'm so curious to know what this little baby is doing in there. One more month & we'll know the baby's gender! When it comes to that, it seems that time is flying by VERY SLOWLY. Patience patience patience. I must enjoy my entire pregnancy!

Well, I'm kinda hungry. I'm gonna end my blog with a list of things I've been craving/not craving since I've been pregnant. I'll probably add/edit later on, whatever to my desire. Mwaha.

Things I crave quite often:
-Bread / pandesal. That's either with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, peanut butter, butter. Name it. I want bread.
-Milk. One thing you guys gotta know is that my entire life growing up at home, I was only allowed to drink milk in the morning and night only. Milk at breakfast, milk at dinner. I wasn't allowed to drink water or soda during dinner. Then when I moved in with Mark, I finally broke away from my parents' rules & drank whatever I wanted! But now, I just want milk at dinner. Mmmmm.
-Water. I love water. Always have. I drink lots of it.
-Chocolate: Hot chocolate. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate candy (TWIX). I love chocolate.
-French fries. But I limit my eating of french fries. I crave it a lot though. I love McD's mmm.
-Chips & salsa. SO BOMB!
-Hot dogs! They say that some studies show that hot dogs aren't safe for pregnant women. My doctor said that as long as it's cooked all the way, it's totally fine. I love eating National Hebrew hot dogs with rice & ketchup. My stepmom always makes it for breakfast at home. YUM!
-Bananas. I've always loved bananas.
-Jamba Juice Banana Berry (my fave)
-Waffles/pancakes with syrup
-Egg sandwiches. Scrambled eggs, not that gushy, mushy egg sandwich crap
-Mexican food! <3 style="font-style: italic;">Souplantation.
-Coca-Cola! I miss drinking Coke. When I get the chance, I'll drink non-caffeinated Coke or Pepsi. But that hardly ever happens.

Things I dislike at the moment:
-Korean BBQ..why? I don't know. When I think about it, I want to barf. It's sad. I loved Korean BBQ! We'd go eat some with Arnie, Leslie, & the rest of the family all the time. Now I can't ever go with them because I could barely stand the look of it.
-Thai food. I think it's because I ate it right when I started feeling nauseated before I found out I was pregnant. Now that thought of eating Thai food isn't so great :[ Hopefully once I'm not pregnant, this will all go away haha
-HEALTHY FOOD. I don't think any pregnant woman WANTS to crave healthy food, right? But I know I gotta eat em anyway. I don't crave them though like I used to when I was on my diet. Crazy how my mentality changes. But I do love Souplantation.
-Burgers. I mean, I can eat them, but somehow I just don't feel comfortable eating them. They don't make me happy like they used to.

Okay, yeah, all that typing about food has seriously made me so hungry. I'm going to find food now.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I haven't written in the last couple of days since I've been sick since Friday after I came from the doctor's office. It's still bugging me; I have a headache and a stuffy nose right now. On Friday I probably drank 10 bottles of water and double the amount on Saturday. I pee like every 20 minutes, haha. I tried the most "natural" ways of getting rid of my sickness since taking meds does scare me [with the baby and all]. My doctor said I could take Tylenol or Robittussin in cases when I'm sick with a cold and cough. I had the worst sore throat so I was going crazy with cough drops, but they didn't seem to work. Food kinda made me feel queezy, soup just made me feel hot, but throughout the entire weekend I've loaded up on so much water. I pretty much drank a whole case and more. Now my sore throat is gone, but I find it hard to rest sometimes because it hurts when I breathe since it's too dry or at times, I can't breathe at all because my nose is so stuffy. Ahhh. This puts me in such a crappy mood, ESPECIALLY SATURDAY NIGHT, when Mark was out all night & I couldn't get my ass out of bed, and I had no medication. I asked him to bring me back some Tylenol because I was seriously dying, but he didn't get home until 2am (and you can just imagine how cranky I was. I wasn't gonna let myself fall asleep until I was satisfied with yelling at him). So yeah, that's been me all weekend, just laying in bed trying my best to get well & still drinking tons and tons of water.

I've decided that I'm not going to go through the whole screening for my baby. I know it's important to see if there is anything wrong, but I'd rather not go through it because I know that no matter what, I will love and care for my baby. Why would I let myself stress out throughout my entire pregnancy? I want to enjoy every day of it, and as long as I see through the ultrasounds and healthy heartbeats that my baby is doing okay, then I'm satisfied. So far everything feels good and normal. Hopefully (praying) that my baby is as healthy as can be.

Friday, December 5, 2008

No more gummy bear!

There's our baby!! Already growing big! It made Mark & I so happy to see this on the ultrasound screen. (: He was wiggling around and throwing his arms and feet everywhere. And he was ramming his head into the wall, it was pretty funny to watch. It was SO cute I wanted to cry. You can see his spine and his big ol' alien head!! Ahhhhhhhhh, happy me (:

So good news. When I had my first ultrasound, the doctor discovered that I had placenta previa which means the placenta was hanging low in my cervix when it's usually supposed to just be hanging on the walls of the uterus. This could cause bleeding, but the ultrasound I had today determined that it has moved back to the walls!! YAY! It's so relieving to hear that. Whew, God is on my side today.

Another thing is that apparently I'm not 14 weeks..I'm 15 weeks pregnant! The doctor said that the baby was so tiny in the first ultrasound that it was hard to determine. But today's ultrasound measured out to be 15 weeks and 1 day, and the baby's estimated due date is May 28th as we all originally believed it would be. The receptionist said that if I wanted to have the blood tests done, it would have to be done between 13-18 weeks, but we'll have to see if I receive my Medi-Cal beforehand. It's pretty pricey, I'M SURE, but if my insurance comes in, I'll go and take the tests.

So here we are, awaiting January 9th! That's my next ultrasound AKA THE DAY WE FIND OUT IF THE BABY IS A BOY OR A GIRL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm so anxious. So anxious.

Btw, the doctor said I gained a lot of weight. HAHAHA. I can't help it :( I'm so hungry all the time. I guess I gotta start exercising more. Sigh.

Well, off to pig out, I'm really hungry. Have a good day everybody!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Everyone that's voting "Boy" for the gender is making Mark VERY VERY HAPPY! hahahaha. We'll just have to wait and see, no?

Ultrasound tomorrow!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY! I can't wait.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Okay fine..

I decided to post a belly picture. I shall not be ashamed! I'm fat, and I have to accept it. MWAHAHAHA! (by the way, I took this picture when I was REALLY REALLY FULL..keep that in mind, lololol)

So here is me, 14 weeks pregnant.

Oh, baby!

Dear Santa...

Hello Kitty Vintage Cuff Tee, $24

Louis Vuitton Batignolles Vertical, this is for you to look at Babe *wink* ok, I'm just dreaming..

Disney Couture Cinderella Pave Glass Slipper Necklace, $60

Snowball Hoodie Scarf, $38

Harajuku Lovers "Love" perfume, .33 ounce, $25
Forever 21 gift card

Snoogle Maternity Pillow, $50

American Apparel California Fleece Pullover Raglan Hoody Dress, $39

Lomo Diana Dreamer Camera, $65

Toms in White Canvas and Classic Glitter, $42 & $48

Silence & Noise Motorcycle Jacket, $128

Dita Supadupa Sunglasses, $200

Toms Wrap Boot in Olive, $98

Paramore: The Final Riot DVD, $19.99

Juicy Couture "Kate" Maternity Skinny Jeans, I really don't want this pair, I just want a pair of Maternity SKINNY Jeans ): Why do they all have to be so expensive?!

Hello Kitty Beanie, $14.99

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Books are fun.

So Mark & I went to Borders earlier tonight so Mark Santos could tutor him on his math. I obviously went because I wanted to invade the Pregnancy section. I collected 4 books to read while we stayed at the coffee tables. I first looked through The Pregnancy Bible (Mark & Mark were like, "Oh wow" when I showed them all the naked pregnant girls in the book). It was pretty informative. I didn't buy it since I already bought a used version of "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: A Complete Guide" online. Those reference-type books are sooo freakin' expensive. Sheesh. I just bought Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy & The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy. I read reviews about them online; everyone seemed to love Belly Laughs. I don't see a reason why not because once I started reading it, I was all cracking up. I guess because she's pretty blunt, straight forward, and has that "attitude" that I can relate to (the bitchy side). So funny. There's a part where she wrote about how she was in New Orleans with her husband (this was before she found out she was pregnant) and she was starving her ass off & all she kept doing was demanding the waiter and every other waiter that passed by to give her the usual bread that they serve. I guess her waiter was taking a lifetime to return, and all she could think of was "I want my fucking bread." Man, shit happens when you're pregnant & starving. It is anot a good mix. I guess so aggravated & nauseated. I JUST WANT FOOD IN MY STOMACH! Anyways, but with The Girlfriends' Guide, I read many reviews of unhappy readers who were "offended" by the writers negativity and all this bs. It's just a book, cmon people! They say it's not the type of book for serious, uptight expectant mothers--you'd need a some sense of humor. I guess I'll be okay reading it; I'm moody, whiney, and sarcastic so I'll survive. We were also discussing with Mark S. about our upcoming plans..we all wanna go to San Francisco this month! Hopefully our plans fall through. I wanted to go so bad last month, but now that my nausea has slightened (a little bit), I think I'll survive a vacation up north. That would be a lot of fun.

Anyways, thanks to CHOLO for coming with me to the valley today to pick up my passport from my dad. Daddy was like, "Don't make your seatbelt too tight, you're going to hurt the baby." Aw, Lolo is concerned. How sweet. lol. We went to Topanga Mall to have lunch at Red Robin. I was driving around the parking lot (close to Red Robin) trying to find parking until I saw a space that was pretty close to the door; when we pulled up it said, "Expectant Mothers Only" and I was like "Oh shoot....OH WAIT, I'm an expectant mother! Am I allowed to park here? I mean, I LOOK pregnant, look at how fat I am..." and cholo was like, "Let's park here!" But then I decided to be "moral" and I said, "Man, but I feel bad for those expectant mothers who are like..a week away from their due date and are ready to pop." So I decided to park somewhere else. I'm still able to walk; I'm fine. For now.

Anyways, Janelle & I have to go tomorrow to show my proof of citizenship for my Medi-Cal application. I was gonna make Mark go with me, but I don't wanna make him wake up too early cuz I know school wears him out. But hopefully tomorrow turns out fine. I'm so burnt out from all that driving today. Mark is finally selling his Honda Accord tomorrow! A family friend decided to buy it for their son; I'm gonna miss that car. It was always my spare when Mark stole my car away. Oh well.

Okay well I need rest. I can't wait until Friday! Goodnight all.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ahhh, cramps.

I'm so full. It hurts. Today I had Jollibee & I bought a bag full of hot pandesal from Valerio's (:

So now I can say that I'm 14 weeks pregnant! Yay, I'm "officially" in my 2nd trimester. I love going on this website ( to read about my weekly status. Haha. It makes me laugh because many of the jokes regarding my body are so true.

Mark & I are planning to rent a fetal doppler from Stork Radio. I called my doctor's office & asked if I would be able to hear my baby's heartbeat this Friday. They said that the doctor doesn't use a fetal doppler since he determines the baby's heartbeat through the ultrasound itself. Gah. So I'm going to ask Dr. Lu to write me a prescription because in order to rent/purchase a fetal doppler, a prescription from your doctor is required. I want the one with the recorder so I can have a keepsake (of course). Rentals range from $20-$50 a month, depending what plan & which model you choose. I'm so eager to order it already.

I wanted to get some exercise today so I decided to go to the mall (: That's my 3rd time in a week at Del Amo mall. So bad. I was trying to find this flannel shirt that I was ABOUT to buy off Forever 21's website and it just sold out! AHHHHH. So I went to the store & I couldn't find it. I didn't think I'd find it because I've been there twice already this week & I didn't remember seeing it. I bought a few things then headed to Urban Outfitters to see the other shirt I liked (very similar except I hate the fact that it's $55 more expensive than the one from Forever). I tried it on..they only had it in yellow, and I wanted the turquoise one. All the colors are pretty though; if I had a choice, I'd take all the colors. It's soo cute! So I went home (after I bought my usual Jamba Juice) and purchased the turquoise shirt off the U.O. website. It's backordered until 12/19 -_- AHHHH. Oh well. As long as I get it. Plus, it's long & like a dress so it's perfect for my growing belly.

Walking around the mall felt so uncomfortable. I wore a really lose shirt, but my belly doesn't wanna hide. I already look like I'm 5 months pregnant, I SWEAR. I already had a belly before I got pregnant; the whole reason I went on Jenny Craig was to get rid of my fat! And now here I am, fatter than I'll ever be. Hahaha. I know I shouldn't whine, but seriously, my belly isn't as big as I would be in 5 months so it doesn't look like I'm pregnant; more like FAT. So people probably look and think, "Hmm, it's either she's eating wayyyyy too much or she's pregnant." Lol. But I guess that's a good thing; baby will be healthy =P

I'm going to start making my Christmas wish list. Although I doubt I'll get ANY of the items on my list (haha), I just wanna show what's been catching my attention lately. I'll do that in a separate blog so I can continue to edit it whenever I feel. Christmas is coming up so soon. I don't have a single idea of what to get anyone. The economy sucks right now, and I'm low on funds. Bare with me, family! At least we get you guys nice gifts every year compared to nothing at all!

I missed Heroes tonight, but that's okay because I prefer the no commercial version off Netflix. I need to lie down. These cramps suck. Goodnight everyone.