So Mark & I went to Borders earlier tonight so Mark Santos could tutor him on his math. I obviously went because I wanted to invade the Pregnancy section. I collected 4 books to read while we stayed at the coffee tables. I first looked through The Pregnancy Bible (Mark & Mark were like, "Oh wow" when I showed them all the naked pregnant girls in the book). It was pretty informative. I didn't buy it since I already bought a used version of "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: A Complete Guide" online. Those reference-type books are sooo freakin' expensive. Sheesh. I just bought Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy & The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy. I read reviews about them online; everyone seemed to love Belly Laughs. I don't see a reason why not because once I started reading it, I was all cracking up. I guess because she's pretty blunt, straight forward, and has that "attitude" that I can relate to (the bitchy side). So funny. There's a part where she wrote about how she was in New Orleans with her husband (this was before she found out she was pregnant) and she was starving her ass off & all she kept doing was demanding the waiter and every other waiter that passed by to give her the usual bread that they serve. I guess her waiter was taking a lifetime to return, and all she could think of was "I want my fucking bread." Man, shit happens when you're pregnant & starving. It is anot a good mix. I guess so aggravated & nauseated. I JUST WANT FOOD IN MY STOMACH! Anyways, but with The Girlfriends' Guide, I read many reviews of unhappy readers who were "offended" by the writers negativity and all this bs. It's just a book, cmon people! They say it's not the type of book for serious, uptight expectant mothers--you'd need a some sense of humor. I guess I'll be okay reading it; I'm moody, whiney, and sarcastic so I'll survive. We were also discussing with Mark S. about our upcoming plans..we all wanna go to San Francisco this month! Hopefully our plans fall through. I wanted to go so bad last month, but now that my nausea has slightened (a little bit), I think I'll survive a vacation up north. That would be a lot of fun.
Anyways, thanks to CHOLO for coming with me to the valley today to pick up my passport from my dad. Daddy was like, "Don't make your seatbelt too tight, you're going to hurt the baby." Aw, Lolo is concerned. How sweet. lol. We went to Topanga Mall to have lunch at Red Robin. I was driving around the parking lot (close to Red Robin) trying to find parking until I saw a space that was pretty close to the door; when we pulled up it said, "Expectant Mothers Only" and I was like "Oh shoot....OH WAIT,
I'm an expectant mother! Am I allowed to park here? I mean, I LOOK pregnant, look at how fat I am..." and cholo was like, "Let's park here!" But then I decided to be "moral" and I said, "Man, but I feel bad for those expectant mothers who are like..a week away from their due date and are ready to pop." So I decided to park somewhere else. I'm still able to walk; I'm fine. For now.
Anyways, Janelle & I have to go tomorrow to show my proof of citizenship for my Medi-Cal application. I was gonna make Mark go with me, but I don't wanna make him wake up too early cuz I know school wears him out. But hopefully tomorrow turns out fine. I'm so burnt out from all that driving today. Mark is finally selling his Honda Accord tomorrow! A family friend decided to buy it for their son; I'm gonna miss that car. It was always my spare when Mark stole my car away. Oh well.
Okay well I need rest. I can't wait until Friday! Goodnight all.
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