I hope you guys all had a great Christmas. I sure did. For starters, I'm officially 18 weeks pregnant! YAY! That's 4 and a half months in better terms, but I like counting by weeks, haha. I swear my days feel so long but the weeks just pas by so fast. It was just fun spending time with my family & dogs. My mom made some adobo, pancit, fish, the one-of-a-kind ham, and my sister fried some lumpia. GOOOOD FOOD; nothin' like my mom's Filipino food. Good laughs at the table too. I laughed 'til I cried, which was pretty ridiculous. It was my sister's fault. She had a wrapped present for me & I was like OOOOOOH I WONDER WHAT IT IS! When I opened it, I saw it was a in "Seafood City" box, and it turned out to be a a Seafood City calendar. I was like WTF IS THIS?! But not in a mad way, more like a hilarious way, cuz I seriously could not stop laughing my ass off. I really blame my hormones on it because I started crying. It's because she ended up giving my

I love wrapping gifts (even though I really suck at it),

Man, most of the pictures [of all of us] are on my mom's and sister's camera. They're probably filled with really embarrassing pictures of me.
Today it wasn't raining in Palmdale; the sun was shining bright but it was seriously windy. I hate that. It's what makes it so cold. Everything outside was covered in blocks of ice. At 7am, I could see snow falling, but it was too windy so obviously it wasn't working out. My sister, her boyfriend, my brother, and I all went to the Antelope Valley Mall after lunch. I seriously hate that mall. It's so boring. Nothing interests me there. I tried looking around, but nothing. It was completely packed, the aisles are so narrow. I was getting tired. So we decided to head to Target. I love Target (: My sister bought me 2 pairs of maternity jeans. They make me happy! I ESPECIALLY love the ones with the entire belly coverage. It's comfy (: Now I gotta take them to the dry cleaners to get them cut and made skinnier lol. I also bought Mark NBA 2k9 for his XBOX 360 since I know he's been wanting that game. Well, Don gave us a giftcard so it contributed to half (: Might as well, right? I'm happy with what I got this Christmas because the most precious gift I could definitely hold is new life growing inside me :D
After Target, we headed back home. I ate some more then got packing on my stuff. I had to prepare the backseat of my car since I took Bonnie home (: She's sleeping right now. Once I got home, I gave her a bath (and she hates bath time..well, water in general. Weird for a Lab, right? She really hates water). And the funny part is now that I have a door mirror (well, those body sized mirrors), she likes staring at herself (or at me) through it. She seems pretty interested. Haha. I also decided to treat myself. I got my TOMS! I might as well get what I asked Santa for since I know he gave up on me after I turned 10. And Disney Couture came out with a cute Beauty & the Beast collection & the rose bangle was a definite must-have for me. I love it. Well, I'm gonna go now. Bonnie's bothering me because she wants me to throw her ball around. Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday! And GOODNIGHT!
Awwww that's so cute. like i said a million times before, i'm so happy for you guys!!! :)
Thank you thank you! I hope you had a great Christmas as well, and a fun upcoming New Year ;]
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