Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 months

= 16 weeks today. I can't believe how time flies by so fast. I'll have a belly picture posted sometime during the week. I swear I get bigger everyday.

Well, this week hasn't been much of an eventful week. Since Mark is in school Monday through Thusdays, I'm home everyday, doing nothing but eating, watching tv, more eating, napping, going online, watching movies, reading pregnancy books. Pregnancy has been treating me well though. I haven't felt nauseated all week (yay!) so I'm pretty relieved over that. What does suck is that I still have a stuffy nose & I wake up with a sore throat everyday. I'm positive that it's the whack weather. It's so cold these days! I love winter, but dang, my room does not wanna heat up even with the heater on. It gets cold in here. But I'm thankful that we finally took our down comforter to the dry cleaners last week because it's been dirty and unused since Happy peed on it before (because he hates Bonnie & thinks EVERYTHING in this room is his territory). And the reason why all our comforters need to be washed IS because he peed on ALL of them. Gosh. But yeah, this blanket keeps me warm. Mark finds it uncomfortable because he has this whole over-sweating issue; he gets all hot in the middle of the night & ends up having to change or something. Idk. He hates this blanket, but I love it so he really has no choice. At least he doesn't have to deal with going pee every couple of hours during the night. Ahhh. It really takes some force to get myself out of bed, but sometimes I REALLY have to go. Along with the peeing all the time, I gotta deal with my swollen gums. I floss everyday & they easily bleed; I get the urge to floss so much because my gums are so swollen, like I feel the need to massage them or something. It gets really irritating. They say that swollen gums during pregnancy is quite common. Also, I've been trying to get used to sleeping on my left side more often. I used to sleep on my left all the time, I don't know what's wrong with me. But they say that if you sleep on your left side, it allows more bloodflow / oxygen for the baby. It's kinda hard once my arm starts hurting or falling asleep. I'm still comfortable sleeping on my back or on my right side too (for now). Eh. Okay, so maybe pregnancy hasn't been treating me so well. It's just been treating me the normal way it's supposed to, hah.

I haven't felt the baby move yet! People are so lucky to feel them so early during their pregnancies. I'm so eager to know what it's like...maybe by next month I'll be able to feel something. I'm so curious to know what this little baby is doing in there. One more month & we'll know the baby's gender! When it comes to that, it seems that time is flying by VERY SLOWLY. Patience patience patience. I must enjoy my entire pregnancy!

Well, I'm kinda hungry. I'm gonna end my blog with a list of things I've been craving/not craving since I've been pregnant. I'll probably add/edit later on, whatever to my desire. Mwaha.

Things I crave quite often:
-Bread / pandesal. That's either with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, peanut butter, butter. Name it. I want bread.
-Milk. One thing you guys gotta know is that my entire life growing up at home, I was only allowed to drink milk in the morning and night only. Milk at breakfast, milk at dinner. I wasn't allowed to drink water or soda during dinner. Then when I moved in with Mark, I finally broke away from my parents' rules & drank whatever I wanted! But now, I just want milk at dinner. Mmmmm.
-Water. I love water. Always have. I drink lots of it.
-Chocolate: Hot chocolate. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate candy (TWIX). I love chocolate.
-French fries. But I limit my eating of french fries. I crave it a lot though. I love McD's mmm.
-Chips & salsa. SO BOMB!
-Hot dogs! They say that some studies show that hot dogs aren't safe for pregnant women. My doctor said that as long as it's cooked all the way, it's totally fine. I love eating National Hebrew hot dogs with rice & ketchup. My stepmom always makes it for breakfast at home. YUM!
-Bananas. I've always loved bananas.
-Jamba Juice Banana Berry (my fave)
-Waffles/pancakes with syrup
-Egg sandwiches. Scrambled eggs, not that gushy, mushy egg sandwich crap
-Mexican food! <3 style="font-style: italic;">Souplantation.
-Coca-Cola! I miss drinking Coke. When I get the chance, I'll drink non-caffeinated Coke or Pepsi. But that hardly ever happens.

Things I dislike at the moment:
-Korean BBQ..why? I don't know. When I think about it, I want to barf. It's sad. I loved Korean BBQ! We'd go eat some with Arnie, Leslie, & the rest of the family all the time. Now I can't ever go with them because I could barely stand the look of it.
-Thai food. I think it's because I ate it right when I started feeling nauseated before I found out I was pregnant. Now that thought of eating Thai food isn't so great :[ Hopefully once I'm not pregnant, this will all go away haha
-HEALTHY FOOD. I don't think any pregnant woman WANTS to crave healthy food, right? But I know I gotta eat em anyway. I don't crave them though like I used to when I was on my diet. Crazy how my mentality changes. But I do love Souplantation.
-Burgers. I mean, I can eat them, but somehow I just don't feel comfortable eating them. They don't make me happy like they used to.

Okay, yeah, all that typing about food has seriously made me so hungry. I'm going to find food now.

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