There's our baby!! Already growing big! It made Mark & I so happy to see this on the ultrasound screen. (: He was wiggling around and throwing his arms and feet everywhere. And he was ramming his head into the wall, it was pretty funny to watch. It was SO cute I wanted to cry. You can see his spine and his big ol' alien head!! Ahhhhhhhhh, happy me (:
So good news. When I had my first ultrasound, the doctor discovered that I had placenta previa which means the placenta was hanging low in my cervix when it's usually supposed to just be hanging on the walls of the uterus. This could cause bleeding, but the ultrasound I had today determined that it has moved back to the walls!! YAY! It's so relieving to hear that. Whew, God is on my side today.
Another thing is that apparently I'm not 14 weeks..I'm 15 weeks pregnant! The doctor said that the baby was so tiny in the first ultrasound that it was hard to determine. But today's ultrasound measured out to be 15 weeks and 1 day, and the baby's estimated due date is May 28th as we all originally believed it would be. The receptionist said that if I wanted to have the blood tests done, it would have to be done between 13-18 weeks, but we'll have to see if I receive my Medi-Cal beforehand. It's pretty pricey, I'M SURE, but if my insurance comes in, I'll go and take the tests.
So here we are, awaiting January 9th! That's my next ultrasound AKA THE DAY WE FIND OUT IF THE BABY IS A BOY OR A GIRL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm so anxious. So anxious.
Btw, the doctor said I gained a lot of weight. HAHAHA. I can't help it :( I'm so hungry all the time. I guess I gotta start exercising more. Sigh.
Well, off to pig out, I'm really hungry. Have a good day everybody!!
aww! he/she looks like it's wearing a dress!
hahaha i know! i saw that too!
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