Yes, most of you guessed it right! We have a little boy on the way! I was really too desperate to wait until my January 9th appointment so I went to Prenatal Peek in Torrance to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time and if possible, to find out the gender. I just wanted to hear what's going on inside my fat belly! I can't go weeks without checking on this little one.
Once I laid back for the ultrasound, we saw that the baby wasn't moving! He was sleeping. We heard his heartbeat, and I really wanted to cry [but I didn't want to embarrass myself because once I start crying, it doesn't stop!]. He has a very strong heartbeat. It makes us so happy. Anyways, our sonographer was trying to look between the legs to find out the gender, but the little baby was sound asleep. She told me to go to the bathroom & that she'd give me some cold water afterwards. It really helped though! The baby started moving around & we were finally able to see that it's a little BABY BOY!!! Mark teared up (: He wanted to cry, but like me, he didn't want to be embarrassed ha. It was so cute to watch the baby. I'm only in my 18th week (18 weeks, 4 days today) so the baby has a more skeletal appearance. But our sonographer told us that our baby has some fat cheeks developing (unlike most fetuses this young) and a little tummy, so he's a chubby one! lol. The best time to go for "features" would be around 25-28 weeks. I just wanted to ensure that my baby's heartbeat is fine. He was so cute! He was holding his hands up as if he was on a rollercoaster ride. Then he had his legs up & was holding shis feet! HAHA. It was a really amazing experience. I'm so happy! It was beautiful, and I'm glad because I see how excited Mark is. Gosh, you guys are GOOD! Guessing it was a boy and all. Haha. I kept having dreams that it would be a girl because everyone kept saying it'll be a boy. But now we know for sure! So, here are some of the pictures and two parts for the ultrasound DVD (: ENJOY!
I'm so excited! Now I can go to Target / Babies R Us & buy random stuff xD
Like what Daddy always says, "Peace!"
You guys are bothering me; I'm trying to sleep!
There it is! Baby boy!
Grabbing his foot. Haha.
**I GOT THE VIDEOS TO WORK! YouTube's workin' with me (: There are 2 parts because the whole DVD was 16 minutes so one whole video was too big to upload. Oh, and sorry it says "Evaluation Copy" across the videos; I had to use a free trial to convert the DVD. Ghetto, I know, but it works!**
Ahh, he's already the joy of my life (:
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