Friday, December 12, 2008

I tried taking a pic...

...of my belly, but apparently my camera died. Darn batteries. So I recorded a video through my webcam instead! Sorry about the horrible sound quality. That last picture I posted was taken earlier than when I posted it, but still, the baby is growing fast! Enjoy (:


Anonymous said...

haha! you sound and look so cute dude. and them D's! luckyyy

Calee: said...

D's!?!??! oh no way. i wish i had something more than a B..probably cuz when I said "I have 'these' now and i never had 'these' before" it probably sounded like "D's" hahaha I WISH! well no. not that big. but i hope they grow a littel more mwahaha.

Anonymous said...

ohh i heard D's! but they still look big though. haha

Jade said...

awwww lilll baby :)

your video is funny..
"im growing theseeee!" lol.


Calee: said...

yes yes, it is true! I never had them. It's AMAZING! mwahaha

Anonymous said...

omgg they look like "D"s mama calee. haha i want bigger ones ): im only an "A"