Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bubbles in my tummy.

I take pictures of my belly every week. It's crazy seeing my belly grow! Oh yeah, and that pubic hair line is starting to appear above my belly button & I didn't even notice. Mark was like, "Oh yeah, I noticed that a while ago." wtf? But I'll probably show you guys that much later so you can really see the progress.

Week 22 has been an eventful week..in my uterus, that is. I feel that the baby just grew huge out of no where! My belly is a lot more firm & I feel like I have to force myself to get up. I constantly feel him moving and kicking throughout the day (he's kicking as I type). During week 20 & week 21, I would only feel him kick once or a twice probably only a couple times out of the week. Now I feel him kicking all the time, every single day. It's awesome! And I know for sure that if I lie on my back, I will feel him kicking a lot. One night I ate some Twix & he would not stop kicking for HOURS throughout the night; I couldn't sleep 'til after 3am because of it. I love it though (: The only downside of it is the fact that he's putting so much pressure on my bladder (he kicks low) so I pee more than I ever did throughout my pregnancy. I swear I pee like 2-3 times an hour; I'll even get the urge to pee even though I just went 10 minutes beforehand. And I can feel him moving so much that it feels like a ball in my stomach just spinning around & I can actually feel the pressure, it actually gets firm on one side of my belly (it can be uncomfortable) then it goes away when he changes his position. When I tell Mark to place his hand on my belly to feel him kick, he NEVER feels it! I was like, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" b/c last time he tried to feel, the baby kicked 3 times & Mark didn't feel any of them. I was like jeez; he just doesn't pay attention. I guess it would only be obvious to him when my belly is bigger & more obvious to feel. But I swear, I feel it inside & outside; if you were to hold your hand on my belly, you'll see your hand jump!

Being pregnant has so many effects on my body. Sheesh! As if there weren't enough. The wind has been driving me crazy because I'm already suffering from a stuffy nose every morning. The past two days I've been afraid of getting sick because the wind always makes me sick. And now I'm going to start exercising more. I look down & I start to see my toes getting fatter. It's been so cold & I hate walking around this neighborhood alone (I would always walk Bonnie everyday). Having Bonnie around was so productive; she kept me busy & focused & not lazy. I guess I'll go back on the DDR and just do standard (no jumping) haha. I love how I use DDR (so Asian, so junior-high ish), but I have to admit that it really works & it's what helped me drop 22 pounds before my pregnancy. I also bought me some weights (not heavy ones, no worries) so I can somewhat work my arms out because I hate seeing them jiggle. Or more like, I hate Mark saying, "Lemme see your arms jiggle!" Asshole.

I've been aggravated with my biological mother. If you all didn't know, she lives in the Philippines; she's been there for almost 3 years now. My parents divorced when I was 7 & I have always lived with my father. My mom never raised me so I don't have that mother-daughter relationship with her (or with anyone, actually). It's just always been my dad and me. My mom tends to not care, not only for me but for my other siblings, & ever since I was in junior high/high school, I kinda always showed anger and hatred toward her never being there for me. But either way, Mark & I helped her out with whatever she needed before she left the country. Last year she kept telling me that she would be coming back. She would say, "I'm coming back in October" then she'd say "Nevermind, I'm coming back in January" then she'd say "February" and now it's "First week of March." I never know what to believe, but she's lucky that Mark's mother is even allowing her to stay with us. I spoke to her today over some issues & I just got completely FRUSTRATED to the point where I was crying & screaming at her. She always tells me, "Ask your dad for help" as if my father hasn't been helping me my ENTIRE LIFE. My mom just doesn't understand how to be a parent, I swear. This is why I envy those who have parents who aren't divorced, or even just those who have a happy family because for me, I have always been used to having a broken one. I guess that's why Mark & I can definitely understand each other's point of view. But I spoke to my father, and like everyone else says, "Don't stress over it." I can't count on her; I never used to count on her. It's just the fact that my brother had a son a few years ago & she never even met her first grandchild. Now her 2nd grandson is coming along, and I wish she would just understand that if she can't be there for me, at least be there for my son.

Mark's aunt's best friend was telling me (on Sunday) how they want to throw us a little baby shower here at our house. Since we're having the super big one in at the park in the valley, we're just going to invite a few close family & friends. Nothing humungous & no games or anything. I just can't refuse the support, you know? I'm very excited for both though, especially at the park since that's where everyone will be brought together! I'm already looking at the different inviation to choose from since the ones being sent to friends have to say "Calee," and the ones being sent to family have to say "Charleene." Ha. It's just so exciting. I've even started my gift registries on Target & Babies R Us because I get so bored at home. I even want to start a scrapbook, but I have to promise myself to actually finish it, haha. We'll see what happens.

Mark told me this morning that we will get started on our room within 2-3 weeks. I hope he really means 2 ;] I'M SO ANXIOUS!!

Well have a good day everyone. Many kicks from Baby Dylan!

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