Monday, February 2, 2009

"Why Dylan?!"

I decided to write this blog entry, not because I'm trying to complain; rather I'm trying to knock some sense into people who tend to be so closed-minded.

You'd probably be surprised at how many people have said these things to me in the same exact way.

After the 10th time of hearing,

"Dylan is sooo white."
"Dylan is such a white name."
"Idk. Dylan reminds me of 90210 too much."

It gets kinda annoying.

And what do I always respond with?
"Why YOUR name?"

I'm sorry, but I don't even understand the slightest bit why my future son's name matters to anyone but to his mother (MYSELF) and his father (MARK). If we agreed on it, please don't go all out stating your opinions and questioning our decision when you have no importance in naming our son. Our child. The whole "Why?" part of it all is just so annoying because it's as if someone's trying to say, "Ew, I really don't like it" in a nicer way. First of all, we picked the name Dylan because we like the name, the sound of it, the meaning of it. I know Dylan may sound like a "white" or "American" name, but what do you expect us to name our son? An Asian name? Would "Pacifico" be acceptable because it's a Filipino name? Or would a Thai name like "Chet" be better? And the whole 90210 thing; I didn't even think of 90210 when I thought of his name. So there are my responses for you. I know I sound angry, but I'm not. I'm just slightly irritated at how ignorant & rude people can be. I am not the type of person who goes out judging anyone by blabbing stupid crap out my mouth in an offensive, disrespectful manner. I know you think you're joking or trying to say it in a "nice" way, but please, do everyone a favor & keep it to yourself.

Sigh. Then again, this is how the world is.


Anonymous said...

Well I think Dylan is an adorable name :) Ps: This is Alex! I hope you're doing well, Calee! I wanna rub your belly so badly eveytime I watch your videos hahaha <3

Stephanie Joy said...

DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE!!!! my mom didnt like the name me and kevin wanted to name kristian in the first place and honestly we both REGRET it! only bc my mom and the rest of my family said it sounded so middle eastern they didnt like it =[ so if youre set on that name and like it FUCK IT!!! name your son that! dont listen to ne1 plus dylan is a really cute name! i like it =] dont make the same mistake me and kevin did bc i really do regret it =[

Calee: said...

HEY ALEX! Aw, thanks for reading my blogs hahaha i told jade to bring you to my SHOWER! SO YOU'LL GET TO RUB THE BELLY! HAHA (:

And to steph..what were you planing to name Ian?! I still love Ian though I think it's a really adorable name! but yeah anyways, yes, i try not listening to people but it got annoying after hearing it so much. oh well. FUCK EM!

Unknown said...

I love the name Dylan! Ugh...I'm so tired of people being so negative towards you. You and Mark are going to be great parents! The next time someone says something to piss you off, just say "F*** YOU!" seriously. I love you guys! Tell Dylan--Auntie Leslie says, "HI"

Calee: said...

awww we love you! that's why auntie leslie will be a great ninang ;]